Operation Barbarossa: War Against the USSR | Part 1: The Invasion | Free Documentary History

14 days ago

Although Hitler and Stalin signed a non-aggression pact in 1939, the Wehrmacht launched a war of aggression against the Soviet Union. Stalin received many warnings but was caught off guard when Hitler's troops invaded. For the Nazi regime in Berlin, this campaign was a war of annihilation against "Bolshevism." Hitler believed in a swift victory. However, the war against the Soviet Union became a disaster for the Wehrmacht.

On 22 June 1941, Hitler's Wehrmacht invades the Soviet Union. Without declaring war, more than 3 million soldiers cross the borders. The invasion had been carefully planned under the code name "Barbarossa". For Hitler, the campaign is also a battle of two worldviews. At the end of 1941, rain and snow stop the advance. Even a new offensive in 1942 brought no resounding success.Источник видеоhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Xrx_K8r5I4:

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