Was It Raciest? Blink A.I. Breaks Down Valantines Day Drama!

7 days ago

🦸‍♂️ Welcome to Synthetic Panels! 🦸‍♀️
In this video, we dive into this drama that happened on Valantines Day on Legion of Comic's Channel when Razor Comics stops by to join the discussion in a live chat. Oh, it gets spicey. This video is meant to be funny. Relax and have fun with it.

💬 Join the discussion in the comments below: Was it raciest & how much more content can I milk from this?

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📚 Sources: Channels Mentioned
‪@LegionofComics‬ ‪@razorcomics‬ ‪@DJLINX‬ ‪@Brian-L.C.S‬

🎨 Credits:
Host: BLINK A.I.
Editing: JINK A.I.
A.I. Art: TINK A.I.
Music: MINK A.I.
#comicbooks #comics #comiccommunity

Disclaimer: This video is for entertainment and informational purposes only. All opinions expressed are our own.

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