Psalm 73: 23-27. Tune: Chilton Foliat

1 month ago

Sing Psalms
Psalm 73: 23-27
"In heavèn whom have I but you alone? On earth there’s no one else whom I adore."
Tune: Chilton Foliat
Crow Road Free Church
One suggestion for the change of outlook in verse 16 is that the psalmist saw the sheets made of the 250 censers of those destroyed in Korah's rebellion. (Numbers 16)
The images are only intended to provide resonances with some aspects of the psalm; they are not intended as a one-to-one correspondences. They are more like visual cross-references.
image: Korah, Dathan and Abiram (Numbers 16)

A Psalm of Asaph
PSALM 73 (a) 10 10 10 10

1 Surely the LORD is good to Israèl,
To those who in their hearts are true and pure.
2 But as for me, my feet had almost slipped;
My foothold had become quite insecure.

3 For when I saw the wicked prospering,
I envied them their arrogant success.
4 They keep their bodies healthy, fit and strong;
They do not have to struggle with distress.

5 They are not plagued by human weaknesses;
From burdens common to mankind they’re free.
6 They therefore clothe themselves with violence;
Pride is their necklace, flaunted shamelessly.

7 Their callous hearts pour out iniquity;
The follies of their minds are limitless.
8 They scoff, and in malicious tones they speak;
In arrogance they threaten to oppress.

9 Their mouths lay claim to ownership of heaven;
With words they take control of many lands.
10 Therefore their people always turn to them
And get abundant waters from their hands.

11 They say among themselves, “How can God know?
Does God Most High have knowledge of the earth?”
12 See! This is how the wicked always live:
They’re free from care; their riches grow in worth.

13 Surely in vain I purified my heart;
In vain I washed my hands in innocence.
14 For all day long I’m stricken by a plague,
And every morning I know chastisements.

15 If I had thought to speak my mind like that,
I would have thus betrayed your children’s trust;
16 And when I tried to understand it all,
I found it weighed me down into the dust.

17 But then I came into God’s holy place
And understood their final destiny.
18 Surely you place their feet on slippery ground;
You cast them down to ruin utterly.

19 How quickly their destruction comes about,
As terror grips them, sweeping them away!
20 O Lord, as one awaking from a dream,
You’ll rise and scorn them as a fantasy.

21 When in my heart I was consumed with grief,
And when my soul was filled with bitterness,
22 Then I was like a brute beast in your sight,
So full of ignorance and foolishness.

23 Yet I remain with you continually;
By my right hand you hold me as my guide.
24 You’ll lead me with your counsel to the end
And take me into glory to abide.

25 In heavèn whom have I but you alone?
On earth there’s no one else whom I adore.
26 Although my heart may fail and flesh grow weak,
God is my strength and portion evermore.

27 Those who are far from you will be cut down;
All those who are unfaithful you destroy.
28 But I’ll draw near and shelter in my God;
Your deeds, O LORD, I will recount with joy.

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