RFK Sues FCC For Lying To The Public About The Danger Of Cell Phones

3 days ago


"I've sued almost all the agencies. I've sued the CDC, FDA, NIH, USDA, DOT and I just won a big suit against the FCC in the Court of Appeals for lying to the public about cell phone radiation. The FCC now has to go back and redo all of its regulations on your cell phones.

If you have a kid, don't ever let him put his cell phone near his head and don't let him carry it in one of his front pockets. If it's a girl, don't let her carry the cell phone in their breast pocket or anywhere near their ovaries.

There are literally tens of thousands of studies that that show the extreme dangers of cell phone radiation and people are not paying attention. A lot of our kids sleep with a cell phone right next to their heads. They fall asleep with them on the bed. Don't let them do that. Get that cell phone away from them at night so that they get eight hours sleep without it anywhere near them, that is really important."

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