Revelation: Philadelphia: The Door Church | Roche Coleman Ph.D.

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Sermon Notes: Title: Revelation: Philadelphia : The Door Church Pt 7 Text: Revelation 3 : 7 - 13 Vital Verse(s ): ‘I know your deeds. Behold, I have put before you an open door which no one can shut, because you have a little power, and have kept My word, and have not denied My name. Revelation 3 : 8 Nugget to Nibble : Frequently, Philadelphia received the moniker “Little Athens” for the numerous gods and temples throughout the city, which resembled the plethora of Olympian gods in Athens. Officials developed a custom of honoring individuals who served well by erecting pillars in the temple and engraving the ir names as a memorial. Influential officials (priests, Magistrates, Public figures, or noblemen) only received the honor. The concept guaranteed worshippers noticed the accomplished persons as they gave honor to the deities. The prestigious public gestur e gave temporal significance to officials. Similarly, Christ offered a “pillar in the temple” of the eternal God to the one who “overcomes” (Revelation 3:12). Officials in Philadelphia offered fleeting recognition with minimal value. Saints in the church a t Philadelphia, rejected by the Jews and the political establishment of the Roman province, will receive a glorious reward in the everlasting temple. Outline of Text 1. The door at Philadelphia. Revelation 3:7 - 10 Jesus Christ described as the one: 1) who is holy 2) who is true 3) who has the key of David 4) who opens and no one will shut 5) who shuts and no one opens (Rev 3:7) Deeds of the Church at Philadelphia 1) little power 3:8 2) kept the word of God 3:8 3) not denied the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God 3:8 4) kept the word of Christ’s perseverance 3:10 Revelation 3.7-13 Revelation-P

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