Everlasting Night

20 hours ago

There Was An Everlasting Night

John 3:1-2

There was a man from the Pharisees,

Nicodemus by name, a ruler of the Jews.

This one came to Yehoshua by night and said to Him,

‘Rabbi, we know that You have come as a teacher from YeHoVaH.

For no one is able to do these miraculous signs

which You do, except YeHoVaH be with Him.

Although we are surrounding the most famous verse of scriptures to the “Christian” world, there is much intensity that “traditional Christian theology” completely misses and does not inform the people who are so loved by Yeshua. This is one special night.

Please understand that Nicodemus cannot be this man’s name. It is impossible.

Yeshua calls him “the teacher of Israel,” and he is “a ruler of the Jews.” Such a person could never have a Greek name of any kind.

Please try to understand the heart of this man who is deeply entrenched in the religion of Judaism in the most incarcerating ways. He is “the teacher of Israel,” and he is breaking all the political rules that religion establishes by meeting with Yeshua alone and treating Him with love and honor.



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