Real Genius (1985) & Von Braun’s Lunetta Satellite Weapon (SDI) | Battelle-Hanford’s Hidden History

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You might have heard people mention that Wernher Von Braun wrote a book, well, more like a ‘plan’ for travel to Mars, back in the 50s. It experienced a resurgence of interest recently due to its nearly prophetic mention of Mars Travel & Discovery being directly connected to a group he calls “The Elon”.

Now, there is only so much coincidence we can encounter before it starts becoming how clearly planned all this we are seeing was…and not a few years ago…we are talking, ‘decades’…before the man you call Elon Musk was even born.

Who is Von Braun?

If you watch my channel, you probably are familiar with his Nazi history…if not, I’ll be sure to remind you.

Von Braun effectively founded NASA, our current Space Program as an Operation Paperclip Nazi SS Scientist we ‘stole’ from Nazi Germany…or wait…did we? I think that’s a bullshit story the longer I study how Paperclip went down…I think the Americans, a huge portion, were way more in control of the ‘German Nazis’ than we previously understood. There is an alternate history that I believe will implicate the Americans at a deeper level…beyond just the guys we know about like Prescott Bush, though certainly, that is compelling enough to know this is true at a larger scale…way beyond Bush.

Consider this…our entire concept of space & how travel to space works has been defined by Nazis on both sides of these extremes. The reason there is a ‘space race’ is because both sides (USSR & USA post WW2) brought into their ranks ‘thousands’ of Nazi Scientists. If we are going to be honest and forthright, globally, it must be understood that Nazis were allowed to evade justice & frequently hid in the space programs of BOTH the US & USSR (now Russia)

I don’t get too deep into things like the Moon & shape of things because I have a completely different way of viewing perceived reality than most people are used to hearing…I just don’t get deep into that topic because it’s a moot one to me…I believe we are in a ‘spiritual reality’ that feels physical & debating ‘how’ it feels physical, as a perception, feels very pointless to me…not worth my time.

Tonight is about ‘tangible reality’ of what is being presented to us vs what is actually there…for example…I can show records that Battelle & PNNL (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) at Hanford Nuclear Reservation did significant work to build a sky-based weapon disguised solely as ‘strategic defense’. Why would they make it purely for defense? That makes no sense except to appease the international community which I believe they would only do in perception…these are the kings of “Do it anyways…ask for forgiveness later”…and in my estimation, based on research, facts, data…personal visits to this very region, this very lab, which I have a long documented history of being connected to via family & friends…I believe America did in fact ‘build’ the SDI or Strategic Defense Initiative and that much of it is ‘masked’ as a private business using the companies controlled by Elon Musk. This is not a ‘new’ thing that I’m bringing up. I’ve held this assertion for a long time.

Battelle has received 18.7 Billion from the US Gov’t
Elon Musk has received 18 Billion from the US gov’t (on the surface)
Elon Musk announced he’s recently lost 18 Billion from his private companies

These numbers, IMO, are not coincidence…you are witnessing signs of how this financial slight of hand has worked at the National Labs that build much of americas more exotic ‘energy weapons’…at the Dept of ‘Energy’…makes sense right?

Tonight, you’ll get to see a ‘very funny’ movie with a ‘very serious point’. Real Genius (1985) starring Val Kilmer & Gabe Jarret is about designing something nearly exactly like SDI and what it became recently…a directed energy weapon. Despite it’s mostly comedic tone, there are genuine bits of science & defense weaponry discussed…frank discussions of how the CIA perceives defense vs the military…ways the CIA uses funding of universities to gain access to young scientists…even some references to Voice To Skull technology being used on one of the students. The whole film is pretty amazing and worth reviewing again if it’s been awhile for you…or if you’ve never seen it…you are in for a treat.

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