Charlotte Iserbyt: Societies Secrets

1 month ago

Charlotte Iserbyt is the daughter of a Skull and Bones member. She has long had access to Skull and Bones secretive literature and materials, as well as first-hand knowledge of what members actually do.

Charlottes morality compelled her to investigate and then to divulge what this secret organization is doing to our government and our nation. She has worked alongside scholars like Antony Sutton to expose the concealed treachery of the group's actions.

Charlotte introduces the viewer to several critical but seldom seen collections of documentation to support her testimony. Charlotte was appointed to the NEA, and there discovered the true degree to which our children are being brainwashed in public schools, and the hideous reasons for which this is being done.

Worthy of downloading for your permanent collection, as it is an uncommon and undeniable look into the machinations of the UN, NWO, and shadow government system, from an insider's perspective.

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