Two people singing on subway train

6 years ago

Yeah uhhh @adele looks like you have a little competition. This version of your song hands down is the greatest ever made. So I'm sitting on the train and I see this really awesome guy singing out loud not caring what nobody thinks. People meaning mugging him and looking at him as if he's dumb. When I seen him I thought he was really cool. So I joined him. We tend to care what people think to much, which is destroying us. You should do whatever makes you happy. As a actor I'm always judged but when you get to a state of mine that you don't care what anybody say, you love it and that's how it's gonna be you accomplish greater things. I'm so happy to had been on that specific cart. The littlest things makes a difference and life. So I'm happy to see that I put a smile on this living legends face. Do what makes you happy not what make the nexts happy. I think I can officially call it quits on my singing career 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😭😭

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