KABALLAH: The Religion of the Serpent - Documentary by BenBornAgain

16 hours ago

KABALLAH: The Religion of the Serpent - Documentary by BenBornAgain.

A fairly new Documentary by BenBornAgain on the KABBALAH which is a very important subject in my view. I normally don't put up videos with too much religious content as that is not what my channel is about, but Ben uses the bible verses warning about various things that the Kabbalah Jews are up to which is relevant to what is going on right up to the prophesied rebuilding of the 3rd Temple of Solomon which we all know they are in the process of starting soon in anticipation of the Jews Mashiach (AntiChrist). Some interesting quotes from various books.

He calls these Politicians "Kabbalists" where I would probably call them "Freemasons" (And just because they are at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem with a Yarmulke doesn't mean they are. All politicians do this for The JEWS) that are inside the Kabbalah system as the REAL power are the Kabbalists behind the powerful Jewish Banking families like Rothschilds, Warburgs, etc... but you will NEVER know their NAMES! Even old man Mayer Amschel Rothschild was a German money changer who became the first FRONT FAMILY of this Kabal around in the late 1700's ALLOWED to start 5 private banks in 5 different European countries. Rothschild was given PERMISSION by these mysterious Kabbalists as their FRONT to issuing the money supply and taking over the world.

Check out BenBornAgain Rumble channel. He has his documentary broken down into smaller videos.

@51:38 mark- The 8-GENDERS in the Jewish TALMUD. Judaism has recognized NON-BINARY persons for a Millennium.

@55:58 Barbara Bush sure looks like a man! Probably explains why George HW Bush was into young kids & those Pedo parties for the high level Politicians that ex-Nebraska Senator John Decamp investigated with the FRANKLIN COVERUP & said George HW Bush was part of this PEDO NETWORK being a Yale SKULL & BONES member.

@24:07- "As in Kabbalah, todays science of QUANTUM PHYSICS is the study of the "interconnectedness of all things". MATTER & ENERGY as said to be held together in a UNIFIED FIELD of LIGHT."

In simple terms, QUANTUM PHYSICS is the observation of "invisible" particles- ATOMS, ELECTRONS, MONADS, QUARKS, SUPER STRINGS, FREQUENCIES, VIBRATIONS, in another DIMENSION, and the EFFECT of those particles on the MATERIAL WORLD by the OBSERVER. Because everything is made of ATOMS, we are ALL ONE at the subatomic level.

@30:20 mark: The Biblical Rabbi's used Shamon type techniques to INDUCE "ALTERED STATES of CONSCIOUSNESS". 7 Portals of the Kabbalistic TREE OF LIFE.

For anyone interested in ALTER CONSCIOUSNESS & breaking out of the Matrix you should read Robert Monroe's 1971 book "Journey out of the body". He even dedicates a page on HOW to go outside of the body (Or Altered Consciousness). Not for the faint of heart though!

Here are this 3 book trilogy PDFs that you should DOWNLOAD to your computer.

Robert Monroe 1971 book "Journey's out of the body"

Robert Monroe 2nd book "Far Journeys"

Robert Monroe 3rd book "Ultimate Journey"

Robert Monroe later started the Monroe Institute in Virginia to study the brain & consciousness

@30:50 mark: Ritual Sex Magick <-- Hollywood is BIG into this.

@31:27 Explains the KABBALISTIC RITUAL of Jewish Rabbis sucking the baby's PENIS after circumcision AKA The "METZITZAH B'PEH".

@1:00:37 Mark- Excerpts from Christopher Jon Bjerknes book "Beware the World to come":

"Because the Gods in Heaven MIRROR what the Jewish people do on earth, should the Jews once again become ANDROGYNES, the Gods will also become ANDROGYNES and order will return to the Heaven & Earth".

"Restoration of the Jewish people to Palestine, the Reconstruction of the Temple & the extermination of the Gentiles, whose souls are evil darkness. Shekinah will not return to Yahweh unless & until the Temple, their bed chamber, is rebuilt"

- Restoration of the Jewish people to Palestine- 1948 - CHECK!
- the extermination of the Gentiles - Bioweapon shot slow kill rate- Status: ongoing - CHECK!
- the Reconstruction of the 3rd Temple - Preparations are now starting and more word of it happening soon.

@1:01:43 Excerpts from Christopher Jon Bjerknes book "Beware the World to come":

"Jews must win their WAR of Genocidal Conquest on the Gentiles (All non-Jews)"

"Jews must work extra hard to ready things for the End Times, particularly in the last 400 years of the 6th Millennium, when the BIRTH PANGS of the Messiah (Mashiach) begin and become more FREQUENT & more PAINFUL....."

"The Gentiles have to be completely Destroyed in this 400-year period (Starting in 1984AD) in an ever INTENSIFYING & ACCELERATING series of CALAMATIES....... They then will be able to rest for the next 1,000 years while Gentile slaves perform all the work for the Jews just like SHABBOS GOYIM do...... until Robotics technology makes Gentile slaves obsolete, Unnecessary, & redundant at which point they will be complete ELIMINATED".

1:25:26 mark: The 7 NOAHIDE LAWS. US Congressman William Dannemeyer (1979-1992) quote "In very basic term, the (NOAHIDE) law forbids the worship of Jesus Christ and the mention of his name, under penalty of death, by beheading".

REVELATION 20:4 "And I saw the souls of those who had been BEHEADED because of their testimony of Jesus, and because of the word of God, and those who had NOT worshipped the beast or his image...."

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