Flea, Tick, Heartworm Dangers Ep. 5

1 month ago

Did you know about the dangers of Flea, Tick, and Heartworm medications? In this podcast we dive into these topics and expose the dangers surrounding the common use of medications associated with them.

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Also we have our own sites and stores we want you to be aware of.

Lisa has her breeding page at: https://highdesertgoldensofidaho.com/ and her store at: https://highdesertmercantile.com/

Lorina has her doodle breeding page at: https://primalpuppy.com/ her Great Danes page at: https://littleroguedanes.com and her store at: https://littleroguefarm.com/

Want to learn how to transition away from kibble and feed a species appropriate diet of raw? Click the link: https://feedprimal.com and get started today!

Finally if you're ready to join the Revolution: Unleashed! The Natural Revolution where we will deep dive into 4 weeks of health and how to live a natural rearing lifestyle. Go to https://pawsunplugged.com to learn more!

High Desert Mercantile Discount Code And Little Rogue Farm for 10% off your entire purchase: PAWSUNPLUGGED

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