A Shaman's Messages & Warnings with SunBow TrueBrother

1 day ago

A song I love that resonates with this episode. Enjoy!: https://youtu.be/NucJk8TxyRg?si=ykcqKJyXk3baUDrC

*Note: My headphones decided to fail me right as the interview began, so hearing SunBow at times was difficult. Our chat was awesome anyway! Please excuse the few times I had to ask him to repeat himself:-)

On this episode SunBow TrueBrother and I discuss:
A miracle he was a part of during his visit to Australia, Kamooh-Sasquatch Elder & spirit guide to SunBow, his choice to begin a spiritual path & his journey becoming a Shaman, his experiences with the Hopi, Hopi prophecies, how interspecies communications work, how we must free our consciousness and acknowledge evil, the Dark Lords that control this world, our power to transform reality, our loving allies, the truth about the Sun, dangers of transhumanism, how to neutralize evil, what is coming in the future, and MUCH MORE!
SunBow's Website: https://scenicsasquatch.com/
-You can easily find and purchase SunBow's books on this website or on Amazon!
SunBôw TrueBrother is an author, international speaker and shamanic practitioner, who traveled for four decades in twenty countries on four continents, learning ancestral wisdom and ceremonial ways with numerous Indigenous Elders from dozens of nations from North to South America and to Australia. Paranormal encounters and experiences have been part of his training, as well as karmic cleansing. Following spiritual guidance including from non-human intelligence, SunBôw wrote The Sasquatch Message to Humanity trilogy, with the third book being an international collaboration of co-authors, and the Encyclopedia of All Things Sasquatch, an extensive documented research. His last series, Contemporary Shamanic Journeys, is an autobiographical account of the teachings he has received throughout his life, with three volumes published.

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