Symbolism Part 9 Astro Theology and the Occult Calendar

2 days ago

The zodiac wheel shows the quartering of the Zodiac. This is the sun's path during the year, how the sun was the giver and bringer of life, and how it shows when the seasons of the sun's vibrance and high points are during the year to know when to plant and when to harvest. In the autumn and winter, crops do not grow well; therefore, it is the season of death. This is when the sun drops down below the equator in the Northern Hemisphere.
The solstices and equinoxes create the vertically and horizontally oriented equal-armed cross because of the earth's tilt regarding its orbit around the sun. The favoured season is when the summer solstice line is above the equator. The first part of that of coming up above the horizon above the equator is spring, then passes into summer. The sun goes around the zodiac clockwise during the year through the four seasons.

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