Alexander Borisovich Poletaev - Vaccination of the whole of Russia or a threat to national security

8 hours ago
Translation of the Romanian translation:
The immunologist who started all of contemporary immunology, Frank Burnet, received the Nobel Prize, became a Sir, the Queen awarded him the title, and he said this: „Lymphocytes - the basic cells of the immune system - are the <<bad boys>> that the body releases only because they are fighting the <<even worse>> boys, the MICROBES." But these <<bad boys>> are always on the verge of loyalty to the body. "And it happens that, also according to Burnet, after the disease passes, after VACCINATION, these <<boys>> begin to behave inappropriately, and this is where a good part of leukemias, lymphoproliferative diseases and ONCOLOGICAL diseases result. And from here, of course - Burnet continues - a lot of AUTOIMMUNE diseases. We know that the incidence of autoimmune and oncological diseases has increased significantly since the 60s-70s when vaccination campaigns became widespread. There is enough specialized literature about this, so it is not just gossip, and many ONCOLOGIST doctors assume that if at some point all VACCINATION were COMPLETELY CANCELLED, then the incidence of leukemia would decrease by 2/3 (especially leukemia in children), and the incidence of CANCER would decrease to 50%. One can speculate about this, because, in principle, serious epidemiological research HAS NOT BEEN DONE, but what Burnet stated is undoubtedly true for me. I have encountered such complications in my medical practice.
(2) We are lied to that one vaccine or another is absolutely safe. We are lied to because, in principle, THERE ARE NO SAFE VACCINES.
1. There is always a risk of introducing tumor processes, no matter how small, but it exists. But any mother does not care if it is small or not, if it happened to her son!
2. The immune response begins with the molecules of the histocompatibility complex. But they are extremely different in all of us. For example, in the population there are about 1-2 million carriers of different HLA-A MHC molecules. Why is this happening? Because depending on what set of HLA you or this or that little boy has, in response to infection or vaccination, you will have such an immune response vector (let's say it's good, the desired one), but that little man will have a vector that will lead to DIABETES, for example, or to MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, or to something else very unpleasant. We still do not know how to anticipate the RISKS OF VACCINATION (i.e. of the introduction of a type of antigen) and their relationship with the molecules of the histocompatibility complex. As long as we do not know, the risks will ALWAYS exist, and THERE SHOULD NOT BE LIE IN THE MASS-MEDIA that this vaccine is absolutely safe. THAT'S IT.
Conference "Vaccination of the whole of Russia or a threat to national security?"
2 days after this conference, Professor Alexander Borisovich Poletaev died. Professor Poletaev was a specialist in immunology, immunobiotechnology, neuroimmunology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Scientific Researcher at the Medical Research Center "Immunculus".
We are starting the live broadcast of the second international scientific public meeting entitled "INFODEMIA - WHO's weapon of mass destruction. We decided to dedicate this meeting to the memory of Professor Alexander Borisovich Poletaev who unexpectedly passed away, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of Immunology, a very important speaker at our first meeting and simply an excellent, wonderful good man. I propose to observe a minute of silence in honor of Alexander Borisovich.

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