HAVOC - June 1, 1990 (Jimmy's last gig, and a hell of a show, even with technical difficulties)

17 days ago

This video of Havoc, is a continuation of my dad's (Joe Cross) collection of local Southern Maryland bands, that he recorded.

This show was Jimmy's last show with the guys, as he was heading to the Marines. Unfortunately, they had a lot of technical difficulties, but pushed through like professionals, and still put on a hell of a show.

Please like and subscribe, and share this video to keep my dad's work and memory alive.

Six String Drummer logo, created by Austin Clodfelter.

All rights reserved and owned by Kevin Cross (aka Six String Drummer). Any reposting of any part of this video, without permission from Kevin Cross, is prohibited.

#havoc #livemusic #hairmetal #southernmaryland #joecross #kevincross #sixstringdrummer

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