REUBEN EFRON emerges In Biden's Final JFK Declass, 2023 - Shows CIA Op w_Oswald BEFORE Assassination

7 hours ago

Jefferson Morley, NYT & local news on last Biden JFK dump. EFRON was reading Oswald's mail in the months before the killing, which destroys the lone nut theory just by itself. It sounds like this was already known but the name was redacted.
NYT piece:
AI summary:
Biden's JFK Files Order
The article titled "Biden’s ‘Final’ Order on Kennedy Files Leaves Some Still Wanting More" was originally published by The New York Times on Sunday, July 16, 2023. It discusses President Biden's final certification of the release of documents related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Despite the release of a vast majority of the documents, some remain redacted, leaving researchers and historians unsatisfied.

Key points from the article include:

President Biden has completed the review of documents mandated by law in 1992, but 4,684 documents remain withheld in whole or in part.
The name of the CIA official who intercepted Lee Harvey Oswald's mail, Reuben Efron, was finally revealed after being kept secret for 60 years.
The belated identification of Efron has led to speculation about the extent of the CIA's knowledge of Oswald and whether it has implications for the assassination.
The president's certification was issued on a Friday before a long holiday weekend, drawing criticism from researchers and historians who believe the government is still withholding important information.
A federal judge refused to block Mr. Biden’s order, further frustrating those seeking full transparency.
The article highlights the ongoing debate and interest in the Kennedy assassination and the government's handling of related documents.
CIA-Oswald Activity pre-Assassination:
181p. stash discussed by Groubert in the beginning of this:
Trump declassification:

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