Live Broadcast: The Antichrist, False Prophet, and the Remnant

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Prophetic Word from Friday, February 21, 2025:

Tell My people it is time for the shower of truth to come down in your government. Much things shall be required of you, My children. It is time to pray. Rise up and pray and shout down the truth so that the lies shall be destroyed. Many lies, deception, corruption are uncovering in your government. I will leave no stone unturned. Judgment is here, but you must pray and be awake. Right now there is a falling away taking place amongst My people, for I have come to judge the wicked and disobedient. I have said it before and I say it again. Removals. Removals. Removals. I am turning upside-down the denominal world, for there is too much division and I am placing strategically new people to take the helm who will look past division and fight for unity, and will uphold the 5-fold ministry. It is time now to get ready for big changes and stay aligned to Me, says the Lord. Behold, the time is here for harvest, and I am rising up My harvesters. Pray for the harvest. Pray for souls to be saved. Pray for your families and for those who left to return to My love, says the Lord of Hosts. Be close, My chosen. Be close to My voice and obey, for it is time to stop following the carnal voices of the church and false doctrine. It’s time for truth to reign down once more. Repent, My children, and ready yourselves for the great harvest, says the Lord, your Redeemer.

Scriptural References:
1 Cor 5:5-Darkness and light
Ephesians 6:10-20--Armor of God
Luke 14:26-30; 33--Forsaking all as Christ's disciple
Revelation 12:11--Loving not our lives unto the death
2 Thessalonians 2:1-4--Falling away, Rise of antichrist prophesied
Daniel 9:23-27--3 1/2 year Great Tribulation; Antichrist rises up
Revelation 12:6; 14--Jews protected by United States during 3 1/2 year great tribulation
Daniel 7:4--Great Eagle of the United States
Daniel 12:7--3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation
Matthew 24:29-31--Jesus prophesying post- tribulation rapture
Luke 21:26--Mens hearts failing them for fear
Ephesians 4:11--5-fold ministry
Romans 8:6--Carnal versus Spiritual
Revelation 17:14--Called, Chosen, & Faithful
1 John 4:1-5--Trying the Spirits
Mark 16:17-20--Signs, Miracles, & Wonders
Revelation 13--Antichrist, False Prophet, & Mark of the Beast
Revelation 12:7-17--War in Heaven
Daniel 7:1-7--Beasts/Antichrist
Daniel 7:14-25-Interpretation of Daniel 7:1-7; One World Government; 3 1/2 year great tribulation (v. 25)
Revelation 6--7 seals (Red horse)
Daniel 12:8-9--End time revelation sealed until the time of the end
Ephesians 6:12--Hierarchy of Satan
Revelation 14:1-5--Jewish Remnant
Matthew 24:11-22--Jewish Remnant, persecution during Great Tribulation

Omega Mission War in Heaven

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