Are Democrat Defund The Police Policies targeting LEOs?

3 days ago

Are Democrat Defund the Police policies causing LEOs to get killed?

Let’s start w/ our treasure trove of data & then break it down at the end.

Sources: (“Download Archived LEOKA Infographic PDFs” very helpful)

Officers Assaulted Data (Use the main LEOKA page above to find them all the way back to 2000)

*** U.S. Population Data

*** Number of LEOs (I used FBI data, but just to compare) I ended up using this (which has data for LEO fatalities, but NOT assaults) for 2000-23 because it was easier & the numbers were not exactly jiving (being slightly higher for the 3 years I checked) w/ the data from the old school FBI website. Statista’s numbers are also typically lower. Remember, this is OFFICERS, NOT Civilians!

[NOTE: “The UCR Program defines law enforcement officers as individuals who ordinarily carry a firearm and a badge, have full arrest powers, and are paid from governmental funds set aside specifically to pay sworn law enforcement. Civilian employees include full-time agency personnel such as clerks, radio dispatchers, meter attendants, stenographers, jailers, correctional officers, and mechanics.” When you tally this DO NOT include civilian employees. In addition, be careful to look at the most current stats as often times (such as with felonious murders of LEOs), the number published for 2018 or other years can change in later revisions]

Number of law enforcement officers (LEOs) in these United States: 2000 = 671,244 * 2001 = 659,417 * 2002 = 665,555 * 2003 = 664,897 * 2004 = 675,699 * 2005 = 674,437 * 2006 = 683,641 * 2007 = 699,888 * 2008 = 706,927 * 2009 = 724,815 * 2010 = 705,602 * 2011 = 733,166 * 2012 = 688,874 * 2013 = 643,410 * 2014 = 649,777 * 2015 = 684,834 * 2016 = 663,795 * 2017 = 673,219 * 2018 = 704,292 * 2019 = 712,339 * 2020 = 723,538 * 2021 = 714,213 * 2022 = 752,456 * 2023 = 756,528 * Grand Total = 16,632,563

Number of LEOs FELONIOUSLY KILLED in these United States: 2000 = 51 * 2001 = 70 * 2002 = 56 * 2003 = 52 * 2004 = 57 * 2005 = 55 * 2006 = 48 * 2007 = 58 * 2008 = 41 * 2009 = 48 * 2010 = 55 * 2011 = 72 * 2012 = 49 * 2013 = 27 * 2014 = 51 * 2015 = 41 * 2016 = 66 * 2017 = 46 * 2018 = 57 * 2019 = 48 * 2020 = 46 * 2021 = 73 * 2022 = 61 * 2023 = 60 * Grand Total = 1,288

Number of LEOs ASSAULTED in these United States: 2000 = 56,054 * 2001 = 56,666 * 2002 = 58,066 * 2003 = 57,841 * 2004 = 59,373 * 2005 = 57,546 * 2006 = 58,634 * 2007 = 59,201 * 2008 = 58,792 * 2009 = 57,268 * 2010 = 53,469 * 2011 = 54,774 * 2012 = 52,901 * 2013 = 49,851 * 2014 = 48,315 * 2015 = 50,212 * 2016 = 57,180 * 2017 = 60,211 * 2018 = 58,866 * 2019 = 56,034 * 2020 = 60,105 * 2021 = 43,649 * 2022 = 66,415 * 2023 = 79,091 * Grand Total = 1,429,887

Number of LEOs ASSAULTED W/ INJURY in these United States: 2000 = 15,915 * 2001 = 16,202 * 2002 = 16,494 * 2003 = 16,339 * 2004 = 16,563 * 2005 = 15,763 * 2006 = 15,704 * 2007 = 15,479 * 2008 = 15,366 * 2009 = 14,985 * 2010 = 13,962 * 2011 = 14,578 * 2012 = 14,678 * 2013 = 14,565 * 2014 = 13,654 * 2015 = 14,281 * 2016 = 16,535 * 2017 = 17,476 * 2018 = 18,005 * 2019 = 17,188 * 2020 = 18,568 * 2021 = 15,369 * 2022 = 22,063 * 2023 = 26,689 * Grand Total = 396,421

U.S. Population 2000 = 282,172,000 * 2001 = 285,082,000 * 2002 = 287,804,000 * 2003 = 290,326,000 * 2004 = 293,046,000 * 2005 = 295,753,000 * 2006 = 298,593,000 * 2007 = 301,580,000 * 2008 = 304,375,000 * 2009 = 307,007,000 * 2010 = 308,745,538 * 2011 = 311,556,874 * 2012 = 313,830,990 * 2013 = 315,993,715 * 2014 = 318,301,008 * 2015 = 320,635,163 * 2016 = 322,941,311 * 2017 = 324,985,539 * 2018 = 326,687,501 * 2019 = 328,239,523 * 2020 = 331,464,948 * 2021 = 332,048,977 * 2022 = 333,271,411 * 2023 = 334,914,895 * Grand Total = 7,473,134,960

Population covered (FBI data on assaults & assaults w/ injury tables – percentage of population covered is in brackets []) 2023 = 276,052,686 [82.42%] * 2022 = 247,168,796 [74.16%] * 2021 = 175,549,188 [52.86%] * 2020 = 235,545,798 [71.06%] * 2019 = 219,848,450 [66.97%] * 2018 = 250,650,792 [76.72%] * 2017 = 269,607,605 [82.95%] * 2016 = 268,157,300 [83.03%] * 2015 = 241,382,351 [75.28%] * 2014 = 243,753,902 [76.57%] * 2013 = 247,084,964 [78.19%] * 2012 = 247,772,900 [78.95%] * 2011 = 251,004,326 [80.56%] * 2010 = 235,354,721 [76.22%] * 2009 = 243,764,224 [79.40%] * 2008 = 226,610,703 [74.45%] * 2007 = 231,763,568 [76.84%] * 2006 = 222,640,401 [74.56%] * 2005 = 221,015,834 [74.72%] * 2004 = 225,597,839 [76.98%] * 2003 = 216,103,075 [74.43%]* 2002 = 216,342,701 [75.17%] * 2001 = 212,019,442 [74.37%] * 2000 = 199,724,763 [70.78%]

Average percentage of population covered in tables above 2000-2023 = 75.318% (Population Standard Deviation = 5.9885%)

Average percentage of population covered in tables above 2020-23 = 70.125%
Average percentage of population covered in tables above 2000-2019 = 76.357%
Average percentage of population covered in tables above 2010-2019 = 77.544%
Average percentage of population covered in tables above 2000-2009 = 75.17%

As you can see, only two years dipped below 70%, that was the outlier year of 2021, right after the George Floyd riots, that’s no accident IMO. It’s likely that some assaults were missed in 2021, due to this. 2019 also dipped below 70%. In addition, 2019 & 2021 were the only years more than one standard deviation below the 24-year average. I’m going to use 2000-23 as my baseline when I compare it to 2020-23.

When I compare the number of LEOs killed I will factor it two ways. Number of Officers Feloniously killed (or assaulted w/ injury) per 100,000 LEOs & Number of Officers Feloniously Killed per 1,000,000 population because if I go with a lower population number, it will be more difficult to see a signal, if it exists. The number for the latter will still be although the latter will usually be 0 point something.

Number of LEOs FELONIOUSLY KILLED in these United States per 100,000 LEOs: 2000-23 average = (1,288 deaths, 16,632,563 LEOs) = 7.743 per 100,000

Number of LEOs FELONIOUSLY KILLED in these United States per 100,000 LEOs: 2010-19 average (512 deaths, 6,859,308 LEOs) = 7.464 per 100,000

Number of LEOs FELONIOUSLY KILLED in these United States per 100,000 LEOs: 2020-23 average = (240 deaths, 2,946,735 LEOs) 8.144 per 100,000. NOTE: 2021 was an outlier year where much of the population was NOT covered, although I surmise an officer being murdered would likely not escape being reported. However, there are “missing murders” out there, I discussed this (among other issues) at

For each year individually above (2000-23, per 100,000 LEOs), the averages were: 7.597, 10.615, 8.414, 7.820, 8.435, 8.154, 7.021, 8.287, 5.799, 6.622, 7.794, 9.820, 7.113, 4.196, 7.848, 5.986, 9.942, 6.832, 8.093, 6.738, 6.357, 10.221, 8.106, 7.930 *** Population Standard Deviation = 1.4527

The 2020-23 average was within one standard deviation of the 2000-23 average & it was almost one-half standard deviation higher than the 2010-19 average, as well as 9.1% higher than the 2010-19 average.

Number of LEOs FELONIOUSLY KILLED in these United States per ONE MILLION U.S. population 2000-23 = (1,288 deaths, 7,473,134,960 population) 0.1723

Number of LEOs FELONIOUSLY KILLED in these United States per ONE MILLION U.S. population 2010-19 (512 deaths, 3,191,917,162) = 0.1604

Number of LEOs FELONIOUSLY KILLED in these United States per ONE MILLION U.S. population 2020-23 (240 deaths, 1,331,700,231 population) = 0.1802

***** Number of LEOs ASSAULTED W/ INJURY in these United States per 100,000 LEOs: 2000-2023 average (396,421 LEOs assaulted w/ injury, 16,632,563 LEOs) = 2,383

Number of LEOs ASSAULTED W/ INJURY in these United States per 100,000 LEOs: 2010-19 average (154,922 LEOs assaulted w/ injury, 6,859,308 LEOs) = 2,259

Number of LEOs ASSAULTED W/ INJURY in these United States per 100,000 LEOs: 2020-23 average (82,689 LEOs assaulted w/ injury, 2,946,735 LEOs) = 2,806

For each year individually above (2000-23, LEOs assaulted w/ injury, per 100,000 LEOs), the averages were: 2,371 * 2,457 * 2,478 * 2,457 * 2,451 * 2,337 * 2,297 * 2,212 * 2,174 * 2,067 * 1,979 * 1,988 * 2,131 * 2,264 * 2,101 * 2,085 * 2,491 * 2,596 * 2,556 * 2,413 * 2,566 * 2,152 * 2,932 * 3,528 *** Population Standard Deviation = 326.5292

The 2020-23 average (even including the outlier year of 2021, where the % of population reporting was exceedingly-low) is MORE THAN One Standard Deviation HIGHER than the 2000-23 average.

The 2020, 2022, 2023 average (excluding the outlier year of 2021) is 3,009 LEOs assaulted w/ injury, per 100,000 LEOs. As you can see, post-George Floyd in non-outlier years, the number of LEOs assaulted (courtesy of the Democrat Party & their willing accomplices at Black Lives Matter, Antifa & George Soros’ various propaganda organizations) is *almost* two standard deviations higher than the 2000-23 average. We have a signal folks, the post-George Floyd era was bad for police, just the way the Democrats want it.

Number of LEOs ASSAULTED W/ INJURY in these United States per 100,000 U.S. Population: 2000-23 average (7,473,134,960 population & 396,421 LEOs assaulted w/ injury) = 5.304

Number of LEOs ASSAULTED W/ INJURY in these United States per 100,000 U.S. Population: 2010-19 average (3,191,917,162 population & 154,922 LEOs assaulted w/ injury) = 4.853

Number of LEOs ASSAULTED W/ INJURY in these United States per 100,000 U.S. Population: 2020-23 (1,331,700,231 population & 82,689 LEOs assaulted w/ injury) = 6.209

For each year individually above (2000-23, LEOs assaulted w/ injury, per 100,000 population), the averages were: 5.640, 5.683, 5.730, 5.627, 5.652, 5.329, 5.259, 5.132, 5.048, 4.880, 4.522, 4.679, 4.677, 4.609, 4.289, 4.453, 5.120, 5.377, 5.511, 5.236, 5.601, 4.628, 6.620, 7.968 *** Population Standard Deviation = 0.7647

The 2020-23 average of LEOs assaulted per 100,000 population is well beyond One Standard Deviation above the 2000-23 average en masse, even w/ the 2021 outlier year present where a very low (relative to the 2000-23 average) % of the population was reporting. 2019 was also an outlier year, but it was only one year of ten, so it gets diluted. 2021 was one year in four, keep that in mind. The 2020-23 average is almost TWO standard deviations above the 2010-19 average (a historically low murder rate time frame), that’s how bad the post-George Floyd era was for LEOs.

If I tally 2020 & 2022-23, the average is 6.729 – that’s almost two standard deviations above our 2000-23 base period & more than two standard deviations above the 2010-19 period. We can conclude that Democrat Defund the Police policies caused a lot more cops to get assaulted & injured, which is what the Democrats wanted & it also caused a lot more black folks to get murdered in the wake of the George Floyd riots – which Democrats don’t care about, so long as they transform America into a Chinese-style Totalitarian Society.

***** I will say it again, the Real #INSURRECTION is a Democrat Insurrection: One, defund the police or reduce their funding to the point where they cannot do their job effectively & thin their ranks (that’s inevitable, once morale plummets, as well as funding) as well. Two, when Kyle Rittenhouse defends his community from domestic terrorists trying to burn the entire city down, try to put him in prison for murder. Three, disarm law-abiding, regular citizens (this can be accomplished by compiling lists of gunowners, enacting universal background checks & the best way is stacking the SCOTUS w/ 4 Ruth Bader Ginsburg clones) so they cannot defend themselves from BLM terrorists & four, keep violent lunatics on the streets, so they can terrorize the public.

Once that is accomplished, the next time the fatherless BLM guild or Antifa riot, nobody will be able to stop them. “Do our bidding or we burn down the city!” Then we will be on our way to a Chinese-style Totalitarian existence. Don’t let the Democrat Party turn the entire county into California or New York (or East Germany).

Here are some of my receipts pertaining to the Democrat “Defund The Police” mantra (read: The Democrat INSURRECTION), this was done on purpose to destabilize society It’s far, far more common for a black person to murder another black person than for a police officer to kill an unarmed black man & even if a person is unarmed, that doesn’t mean they are not dangerous. A cop is far, far more likely to be murdered by a black man (black males are ~42% of cop killers) than an unarmed black is to be killed by a LEO. [Here’s a video that is not mine containing a montage of Democrat “Defund the Police” statements ]

Decriminalizing activities such as turnstile-jumping, being drunk in public & urinating in the street, as well as ignoring graffiti (broken windows policing) will snowball & you’ve seen this happen in numerous cities run by Democrats.

#AOC & many members of the Pedocrat Party endorsed an end to broken windows policing, which snowballed many sectors of society (usually run by Democrats) into an urban hellscape, which led to Soros-backed DAs refusing to put criminals in prison, which led to “Defund the Police” mantras & policies. The Dems also tried to erase our southern border (even Barack Hussein Obama wasn’t this insane, although one could try to argue that the reason he didn’t go full retard on the border is because he was hoping to dupe a Senate “Gang of Eight” or whatever into supporting DACA or some amnesty for illegals) & completely ignore illegal border crossings.

This is not Bill Clinton’s Democrat Party; the Democrats are trying to transform our country into a Chinese-style or Eastern German Totalitarian Society & the acts I’ve mentioned above are part-and-parcel of that.

****** Cops getting killed is not a problem everywhere, just as violence is not a problem in most of the U.S. I would wager if (and I MIGHT do this in the future) I could get good data on LEOs feloniously killed in the usual Democrat-run jurisdictions, it would be much higher than the U.S. en masse.

It should not surprise you that many of the folks wanting police funding starved (or outright ended) & much of that funding reallocated to Progressive NGOs reside in some of the most crime-riddled areas of America. Allow me to remind you that most of America (>2/3 of all counties have <2 murders in a typical year) is perfectly safe, it’s Democrat-dominated counties where the lion’s share of the murder occurs.

**** To keep LEOs & the public honest we need bodycams (and NO federal mandates for this or spending, even though we’re not a Democracy, we need “50 Laboratories of Democracy” as the old saying goes) for all LEOs.

Granted, there are still a lot of mentally ill, fatherless Democrats who will harass the police & try to murder them, get them fired, scare them out of doing their jobs but bodycams will solve most problems. [ ]

I also have a number of videos demonstrating that in the months & years following the George Floyd riots, the number of arrests plummeted, even though murder was becoming more of a problem. See Ferguson Effect? Did the police pull back in some jurisdictions because they were afraid of being called “racist”, only to result in fewer arrests for violent crime? I found some Dumocrat jurisdictions where this was likely true.

If the police are not hanging out in the areas where crime is prevalent, their response time rises & that means old ladies are less likely to have the man that beat them half to death arrested, just the way Democrats want it, I surmise.

Do you think the creepy old man Sam Seder #samseder #majorityreport tells his daughter (the one he had a sexual assault fantasy about, involving Roman Polanski to leap out of the vehicle & go on a tirade if she’s pulled over by the police? He probably tells her to say, “Yes sir, no sir, thank you sir” & sue the PD later if they violate your civil rights.

Mentally ill Trust Funder Sam Seder et al. were using the Democrat base as useful idiots. Maxine Waters, Sam Seder, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, the Dobbs leaker, Marcia Fudge, Kamala Harris, Lisa Bender, brain dead #AOC were threatening the police, SCOTUS justices, Trump Cabinet members, etc. because they were hoping one of their great unwashed would murder a SCOTUS justice or murder enough police that they wouldn’t have to abolish the PD & BLM/Antifa would take care of the rest. Burn the town down, Democrats get enough of a majority to stack the SCOTUS, take away all your guns, eliminate private property & give us a Chinese-style Totalitarian Society. Private Property isn’t exactly protected by the Constitution in places like China, the former Soviet Union, former East Germany.

I’ll close w/ some salient clips from Larry Elder (clips are from 5/4/21, 4/13/21 & 3/30/21)

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