What Howard Dean and the Democrats Think about Christians

16 hours ago

On 1/19/2004, Howard Dean delivered the cringe-inducing concession speech that has gone down in political lore as “the screech speech.” Because Dean’s screaming, ranting performance lent itself so naturally to ridicule, the rest of the speech has been completely ignored by political analysts. Yet it is by scrutinizing the forgotten portions of the “screech speech” that one can learn the most about the techniques of leftist propaganda.

One such technique that we expose is the political left’s love of sloganeering. Have you ever wondered why liberals festoon their cars with bumper stickers? You will discover how a bumper-sticker approach to political policy allows one to circumvent logical objections, exalting emotion over reason.

You will also learn how liberals demonize prominent social conservatives, turning the victims’ names into damning catch-all terms. Along the same lines, we look into the propagandistic technique of surreptitiously replacing a word’s lexical definition with a persuasive definition. In particular, we analyze the lexical meaning of the word “fundamentalist,” comparing its innocuous lexical definition to the loaded persuasive definition that liberals have given the word.

Run time: 15:21; Date Recorded: 1/19/14

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