20250215 4 Practice Runs

15 days ago

4 practice runs from last weeks LCSC practice. First match in a year coming this Sunday! This will be my first match shooting a dot. Welcome to the 21st century!

At this point I'm trying to be consistent and get accustomed to the dot. I am not nearly as fast as I was shooting limited yet. I just need to put in the work. 3 out of 4 of my runs shooting the same(ish) plan were all withing .4s of each other, so I'm happy with that.

The first cold run was ok, lost a lot of time on steel. I was just not disciplined.

The second run, I tried a different stage plan which turned out to be slower. Shooting the right side and center from one position instead of on the move. It required a longer run (no shooting) and a wide transition which was slow. I also had an un-called mike on the hard cover target to the right of the bobber.

Third run back to a similar stage plan as the the first, but I changed where I did the reload and blew the reload. However the time was still slightly faster than my cold run.

The 4th and final run, I decided to be be disciplined on the steel and I executed on that. I also decided to be more aggressive on the activator. Doing activator/open/bobber, instead of open/activator/bobber. Turned out to be my best run.

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