The Covid Genocide Primer

18 hours ago

Bowne Report
The Covid Genocide Primer
In the wake of the explosive interview with Dr. David Martin, where he exposed the premeditated nature of this so-called "pandemic,"The truth is being unleashed. So let's break this down in the simplest of terms so that everyone understands.

Back in 2016, before President Trump even took office, Bill Gates was already cooking up the SARS-CoV-2 storm. He had his master plan in place by 2017, announcing it with Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum, just days before President Trump's first term began.

Anthony Fauci, the front man for Gates, manipulated the FDA to change the rules for "Emergency Use Authorization" so Big Pharma could rush their dangerous, experimental mRNA and DNA vaccines without proper testing. "Operation Warp Speed" was their trojan horse in January 2020, but the groundwork had been laid years earlier.

Moderna's CEO admitted at the WEF in 2025 that they had 100,000 doses ready in 2019 because they knew this was coming. Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine? They had to be suppressed to keep the EUA in place for their deadly vaccines. These mRNA and DNA vaccines never got full FDA approval, they're still under EUA, even with tens of thousands of deaths reported to VAERS. Remember, only 1% of adverse events make it to VAERS, which means the real number is likely astronomical.

Fauci, with Gates' backing, funded gain-of-function research, creating viruses in labs that don't exist in nature, and handed millions to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Communist China. The Gates Foundation, through their CEPI, or Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, started raising billions in 2017, promising investors a sure-shot "pandemic." This was part of a coordinated effort with the WHO, which is essentially a puppet for the CCP, to roll out this bioweapon named Covid-19, a part of China's "unrestricted warfare" strategy against the US. The virus itself eliminating as high as 18 million worldwide. The Covid vaccine mortality numbers have been a guarded secret by the insurance companies, the CDC, FDA and mockingbird media. But we can start at 20 million and begin the true investigation.

And once that investigation is completed. The history books will detail how the Covid-19 rollout was a premeditated global genocide for profit and control. The more you know could save your life.
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