Tesstamona - Algorithm Ghetto SUBVERSION REMIX (Humanoire Lyric Video)

13 days ago

Welcome to the "red-pilled assassin re-enters the matrix for one final mission" remix. Subversion is the name of the game.

Have you heard the real plan?

The original version and music video for Algorithm Ghetto can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WG1X4RM7iNw


Song remixed by Tesstamona and Saw Tooth Wave
Original version by Tesstamona and Saw Tooth Wave

Lyric Video by Humanoire 🌹

Links to my music, substack (uncensored convo), podcast and socials: https://linktr.ee/tesstamona


#truthmusic #tesstamona #newmusic #stayhuman #dystopia #algorithmghettosubversionremix #independentmusic

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