✅The Fastest Way To Blow Up Your Upper Chest (4 Science-Based Steps) + Sample Program💪

8 hours ago

4 simple strategies to blow up your upper chest as fast as possible!.....
First: hit chest earlier in the workout.

Second: Tally up roughly how many sets of chest you're hitting per week right now. Once you've got the proper techniques handled, then you can start adding one or two sets per week over the next month or two as you assess your progress, working your way up through the 12-20 set "optimal zone".

Third: Increase frequency. If you're currently only hitting your chest once per week on Monday, start hitting it twice per week.

Step 1: Modify Your Bench Press Technique

The first modification is to use slightly lighter weights for higher reps. The second way we want to modify our bench technique is by bringing our grip slightly in. Even though you won't be able to move as much weight this way, if you're more concerned with developing your upper chest, a closer grip will likely hit the upper fibers better.

Step 2: Add More Incline Presses

The reason I'm using dumbbells over barbells here is that you will be able to get a bit more range of motion with the extra stretch at the bottom: so the short comings of the barbell press are overcome by

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