Kingdom Hearts X Sonic Spinball Sing-A-Long Showdown

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#KingdomHearts #SonicTheHedgehog #Retro

Welcome everyone to a very special & heartwarming Melee Games stream where once again James & K will be suffering thanks to ImpBlackBelt & SnapRyRy89! What’s going down today? Let’s break it down:
Melee K will be playing 10 minutes of Kingdom Hearts thanks to SnapRyRy89
Melee James will be playing 10 minutes of Sonic Spinball thanks to ImpBlackBelt
While K is playing Kingdom Hearts any tips will trigger James to ask her a Disney trivia question
If she gets it wrong, 10 seconds are added to her punishment. If she gets it right, 10 seconds are added to James punishment
The same applies to James while he plays Sonic Spinball but he will be asked Sonic Trivia
What is the punishment? Once the 20 minutes are up, all seconds are added up & the losers have to sing that length of time to a Disney song of their opponent’s choosing
For the rest of the night following the Sing-A-Long, any tips will result in a randomized trivia question & 10 seconds of a song to one of them.

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