1 Timothy KJV

2 days ago

We must do all things in godly order. In this book we see how to run a church. How to handle disagreements, abusive leadership, and how to live as a man that seeks to gain the authority given in church leadership.
The law is not wrong when used correctly, but if used wrongly can cause division. In all of this stay in prayer, praying for your leaders. Paul declares to keep women from having prideful leadership over men and do not let any leader use their leadership for ungodly power.
Likewise, to desire an office in the church is a good pursuit, but with such a pursuit, a man seeking such a position will need to be tested. If they are to young pride can creep in. If they are not in control of their family, how can they keep in order the house of God?
In this manner, we can not demand from the church more burdens than is necessary. Meaning, that if there are widows and orphans, if they have families, the families should take up there godly duty to care for such as their own flesh and blood. This is how ministries can be freed up to do the work they are called to, to preach, to teach, and to help those truly with no other means of help. If we love our leaders, and we love our churches, we should not burden them with unnecessary demands, but help them to fulfill Gods demands. This is accomplished by being godly, self sacrificing, and ready to take up the burden of leadership when the Lord's will calls for it. Amen

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