Farmer Joel Salatin on bird flu immunity

1 day ago

Farmer Joel Salatin on bird flu immunity:

"The thing that gets me about avian influenza is the response to it. In any flock that gets avian influenza, there are always survivors—many times, more survivors than not.

Now, you would think that if the people in charge were actually thinking, they would say, "Huh, we’ve got a flock here of chickens. Some got it, some didn’t. Why don’t we save the ones that didn’t?

We’ll take their genetics, breed them, and maybe we’ll actually breed in more robust immune systems. Wow, fancy that! Wouldn’t that be cool?"

"No. If you have 10,000 birds in a flock and one bird’s got avian influenza, immediately, by government decree, all of them must be exterminated."

All of them—survivors, non-survivors—everything.

Back many years ago, when a pathogenic influenza hit Indochina—remember when it came through Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and all that?—the UK did some experiments. They found that if a chicken eats two fresh blades of grass a day—two blades of fresh grass a day—she doesn’t get avian influenza."

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