Are the Banderites the extreme Nazis in the Ukraine military and body politic?

18 days ago

Judge: Someone used the phrase the other day, the Banderites -referring to this person Bandera, are these the extreme Nazis in the Ukraine military and body politic?

Scott: Well absolutely, I mean -let's just take a look at general Zaluzhny. The iron General, he's Infamous in my book -for posing in his office with a portrait of Stepan Bandera who is sort of the father of modern Ukrainian nationalism. He is the man who was allied with Adolf Hitler at the beginning of World War II. His Organization for Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) was responsible for the murders of tens of thousands of Jews, hundreds of thousands of poles, hundreds of thousands of Russians. This is a man, who is evil personified and modern Ukrainian nationalism as manifested in Ukraine today, uses him as their hero. He is literally a hero of Ukraine, they have statues, they have streets named from, the whole works and Zaluzhny has a portrait behind them.

All of the major players in the Ukrainian military with few exceptions are followers of Bandera. You know, even if you look at the Ukrainian politicians, they say well; no, no, no -I'm not part of that, you're intimidated by that -just ask Zelensky himself, who was told by Yarosh head of the Svoboda party, Right sector -the Nazis, the Banderas -that if, he implemented the Minsk Accords, he would be hanging by the neck, until dead on the Main Street. Could you imagine somebody going in and telling Biden, if you sign this bill -I'm gonna hang you on Constitution Avenue. No, the Secret Service would have kicked the door down and put the guy in jail. Yarosh threatened that, he threatened Porosjenko before him, he threatened Zelensky. This is the way these guys operate, Ukraine is a Nazi state, dominated by Bandera ideology.

Judge: Is the Nazi ideology in the Ukraine military and body politic, this victory at all costs, victory only, no negotiation with Russia until Putin has gone. Is President Zelensky afraid for his life, if he shows the slightest rational impulse toward negotiating with President Putin?

Scott: Absolutely! That's why he made it part of the constitution, that you can't negotiate with President Putin. So, he took it right off the table, so nobody could accuse him of that.

But Zelensky is afraid of his life, again the proof in the putting, is that -when his life was threatened, he didn't do anything about it. He caved in and he fears these people, that's why he continues to empower them by rewarding them, but he needs them. Also remember -it's the Adar Battalion, the Azov Battalion, it's the typhoon, the safari -these units that are behind the front lines with their machine guns shooting Ukrainian soldiers who run away, so when the Ukrainian soldiers go to the front -they can't voluntarily disengage, they’ll be shot as deserters by these beats, who provide the stiffening there. And if you didn't have them, there wouldn't be a Ukrainian Army on the front line -because they'd all be running home.

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