TURBO GIRL (Dinamic - Spectrum - 1988)

1 day ago

Turbo Girl is a shoot'em up game released by Dinamic in 1988 for the Spectrum computer, among other systems. Is also known as Turbo Bike.

Turbo Girl, known as such throughout the galaxy, lieutenant of the Korg army's immediate intervention corps, has been chosen to carry out a suicide mission.

Three Elders, strange cybernetic beings, intercept the colony's supplies supported by an army of robot ships. She must destroy them.

Objective: Go through the various occupied sectors avoiding being destroyed, and kill the Elder who watches over each one. Will you make it to the end?

00:00 Intro and setup
00:48 Phase 1 - Semi-abandoned space station
03:32 Phase 2 - Ruined connecting bridge
06:02 Phase 3 - Scorched desert
08:41 Ending

Language: Spanish
Rom: Turbo Girl (1988)(Dinamic Software) [Spectrum Computing]
System: ZX Spectrum +3e
Player: G.Irl
Longplay played with Mame emulator using save states

*YOUTUBE LONGPLAY & EXTRAS* -- https://youtu.be/b_SF1WJfEeU
*RETRODANUART.COM REVIEW* -- https://retrodanuart.com/spectrum/turbo-girl/

YOUTUBE -- https://www.youtube.com/c/RetroDanuart?sub_confirmation=1
BUYMEACOFFEE -- https://buymeacoffee.com/retrodanuart
KO-FI -- https://ko-fi.com/retrodanuart
PATREON -- https://www.patreon.com/retrodanuart
PAYPAL -- https://paypal.me/retrodanuart

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