Natural medicine to lower blood pressure

19 days ago

Flaxseed / Linseed

Flaxseed provides protein, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and essential B vitamins and minerals (copper, Mg, manganese) and is relatively low in carbs

Flaxseed may help lower the risk of some cancers, maintain a moderate weight, and reduce cholesterol and blood pressure.

Omega-3s, including alpha-linolenic acid ALA, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties, may reduce atheroma development.

Other foods to naturally lower blood pressure levels

Citrus fruit, (K) oily fish, (omega 3s) leafy greens, (polyphenols) nuts and seeds, legumes, berries, olive oil, carrots, eggs, tomatoes, broccoli, yogurt, herbs and spices

Effects of flaxseed on blood pressure, body mass index, and total cholesterol in hypertensive patients: A randomized clinical trial,

2022, Iran

Study was conducted in hypertensive patients

to determine the effects of flaxseed supplementation on

body mass index (BMI),

blood pressure,

and total cholesterol levels in patients with hypertension.


Fully blind study, 12 weeks

age range of 35 to 70 years,

Randomized to 3 groups receiving

10 g (n = 45)

30 g (n = 45) of flaxseed supplementation

Placebo (wheat) (n = 45)

12 weeks

Checked for other variables such as diet and physical activity


For the 30-g group

Mean systolic BP started at 148.38

Over the 12 weeks it decreased by an average of 13.38 mmHg

Ended up at an average of 135.00

(p = 0.001)

(compared to a 1.72 unit increase in the placebo group, wheat)

Still in the 30g group,

30 g group DBP started at 86.20

Over the 12 weeks it decreased by an average of 5.6 mmHg

Down to an average of 80.6 mmHg

(p = 0.001)

(compared to a 2.39 unit increase in the placebo group)

For the 10g group

SBP reduced by 9.86 mmHg

DBP reduction in 10g group, 6.69

BMI For the 30 g group

BMI decreased by 0.86 units

(compared to reduction of 0.06 units in the placebo group)

The mean BMI decreased from 29.19 to 28.33

BMI value (p< 0.001).

Total cholesterol

30 g group, decreased by 20.4 units

(compared to 11.86 units in the placebo group)

Mean total cholesterol decreased from 210.73 to 190.33

(p = 0.032)


Flaxseed is rich in good fats, antioxidants, and fiber

(Lignan content, which is a powerful antioxidant)

Improves plasma lipid profile, plasma trans-fatty acid concentrations, atherogenicity, glycemia, and pro-inflammatory compounds

Flaxseed is one of the richest plant sources of omega-3
fatty acids and ALA, (alpha-linolenic acid, the oil that forms 41% of the total weight of a seed)

Consistent studies

The effects of flaxseed supplementation on metabolic status in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomized open-labeled controlled clinical trial

Effect of Flaxseed Powder on Cardiovascular Risk Factor in Dyslipidemic and Hypertensive Patients

The effect of flaxseed supplementation on body weight and body composition: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 45 randomized placebo-controlled trials

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