Saturday Night LIVE: President Trump Now Has Everything in Place to Bring Forth the Storm

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Saturday Night LIVE: The Storm is Upon Them ~ Trump Now Has Everything in Place to Bring Forth the Storm

2:00pm PST, 4:00pm CST, 5:00pm EST, 10:00pm London Time, 11:00pm SAST, 9:00am Sydney Australia, 11:00am Wellington NZ

All Right, get Ready for it, this Saturday Night, February 22nd at 4:00pm CST, we will be LIVE with another Truly Amazing Show where we will Focus our Attention upon President Trump’s Most Recent Activities, in Particular, his latest Executive Order, whereby as the ONLY Government Official within the entire United States Elected by ALL OF THE PEOPLE within America, President Trump has made ALL Public Agencies ANSWERABLE to the Office of the President Alone…

As of Today, Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution puts DIRECT POWER into the Hands of the President of the United States over EVERY SINGLE Institution of the Federal Government, EVERY ONE, including the FCC, the SEC, the Federal Election Commission, the Federal Trade Commission, the IRS, the DOJ, USAID, the CIA, the FBI, etc…and Trump will even be forcing the Privately run, Federal Reserve, to observe the Great Seal of the Office of the President of the United States as well...

ALL OF THEM, as of today, now Answer Directly to the President of the United States and ALL of these Agencies will have White House LIAISONS directly within their Offices, ensuring the EVERYTHING that occurs within these Agencies is first Approved by the President, fundamentally EXORCISING the Rogue Deep State OUT of every Department within the Federal Government of the United States, giving WE THE PEOPLE back our Power, just as President Trump Promised us back in 2016...

Promises Made, Promises Kept...

This New Executive Order requires that ALL of these Agencies have to submit their Regulations and Recommendations DIRECTLY to President Trump's Budget Chief, Russ Vought, who was the one that helped to write the 'Project 2025' blueprint...

Russel Vought the Director of the OMB, the Office of Management and Budget, will now write Performance Standards for ALL of these Agency Heads and Report Directly to President Trump about who is following his Orders and who isn't, effectively making EVERY SINGLE Agency within the Federal Government, Answerable to President Trump virtually every single Working Day of the Year, again, Deleting the Possibility of a Deep State from existing within American Governance...

Thus, the Days of someone like Ron Paul asking the FED for Direct Oversight of their Actions and Decisions, and being told to FUCK OFF are of this Day, thanks to President Trump, EVERY SINGLE Agency within the United States Federal Government hands BACK their Power, and places it firmly into the Hands of WE THE PEOPLE, as with Monitored and Securely Regulated Elections, the People will once again have the Power to ELECT whomever they wish, giving THEIR choice as President, the POWER to ensure that His or Her Election Promises are OBSERVED and MANDATED, Daily...

Today, a Truly Great Man just handed back the POWER to Rule the Republic of the United States of America, into the Hands of the ACTUAL American Electorate, and it is NO COINCIDENCE that All of this Happened on the SAME DAY the Kash Patel became the Director of the FBI, because if you are going to Point a Gun at your Enemies, letting them Know that you are actually the Law, they have to KNOW that you are Not Afraid to use said weapon...

So, Join us this Saturday Night Live, and regain your Peace of Mind, as President Trump Now has Everything in Place to Unleash Hell upon Earth to All those who have Betrayed their own Country, selling away America’s Sovereignty to the Canaanites...we will See you this Saturday Night…LIVE!

With Love,

CF and Collywog

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