Exposing the Occult on New Age Medicines - Part 2

2 days ago

Shauna Manfredine will be giving the second part of this timely set of presentations, which are prayerfully intended to help protect the Body of Christ from a dangerous and sneaky occult infiltration - through some natural remedies... When we value our health, and recognize the undesirable side-effects and issues with medications, we become legitimately interested in using natural remedies. We learn to use herbs, oils, hydrotherapy, and other natural things for healing…

But not every "natural" remedy is good. In fact, just because "it works", doesn't mean it's a blessing. The devil truly is in some of the details. Many natural remedies are ancient occult practices. And when we use the occult for healing, we receive curses, instead of blessings. In this eye-opening presentation, viewers will learn key ways to recognize witchcraft and the satanic practices of New Age medicines.

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