Tic Tac Tic Tac

19 hours ago

Did you notice his endorsement record for Congressmen and Congresswomen? The old RINO and DINO mentality has been decimated.

Did you notice the 260 plus Commanders relieved of duty since June 2017?

The purpose in garnering attention is not to gain it and lose it. It's to keep these things as 'we the people's' focus for the future.

Now, for those who know the Laws, Orders, Regulations, Functions, Operations, etc. of these institutions, if something happens with any organization or department, and any public official, you can hold them accountable. 

So, these people are definitely in the know of 'knowing the drill' even if Pfizer's been cleaned out.

For all you know, they could use Pfizer as a company that starts promoting vitamins, hydroxychloroquine, and ivermectin, etc. 

You would have no way of knowing that, yet, so, there's no reason to get up in arms on President Trump.

Which is WHY it's important to know the FUNCTIONS of Military AND Government which both operate with Laws and Orders, the Military with Regulations, Customs, and Traditions added that way you can make your 1st Amendment more effective plus your Foundational Rights in the Declaration of Independence stronger and effective with RECEIPTS.

President Trump already took blame from Liberals who don't know crap from Compton... 

But to take it from Republicans, Conservatives, and Patriots... proves people do NOT listen... and highlights just HOW conditioned many Americans are - parties excluded. 

It also validates the 54% statistic, that Americans read and comprehend at a 6th Grade Education and below... 

So, let's look at what took place in 2020 again.

Press Conferences from March 30, 2020:

"I also want to thank FDA and other components of HHS for incredibly rapid action on other tools that we need.  This weekend, we actually worked to secure 30 million tablets from Sandoz and 1 million tablets from Bayer of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, which are potential COVID-19 treatments.  And we authorized Battelle’s new decontamination machines, which can each sterilize thousands of essential N95 masks for reuse every day.

So, the pharmaceutical company, Sandoz, has been working with us very closely.  And as Alex mentioned a little bit, 30 million doses of the hydroxychloroquine to the United States government has been given.  And Bayer has donated 1 million doses of the chloroquine, which will soon be distributed to states and state health officials around the country.  Teva Pharmaceuticals is also donating 6 million doses of hydroxychloroquine to U.S. hospitals.  That’s 6 million doses."


Do you read where they were distributed?

United States Government
States (Governments) 
State Health Officials

March 30, 2020:

April 7, 2020, follow up with Press:

"The side effects?  The side effects are the least of it.  You have people dying all over the place. And generally, the side effects are really with the Z-Pak having to do with the heart. The Z-Pak — that’s the antibiotic. Not with the hydroxychloroquine."


President Trump told everyone March 30, 2020, Teva, Bayer, and Sandoz Pharmaceuticals. 

Do you see:

Johnson & Johnson?

Guess who this exposes? 

Certain Congressmen and Women
Big Pharm
Mainstream Media
Hospital Boards
Business Owners

The Swamp

Americans have a simple listening and comprehension problem. 

Vaccine definition: are injections (shots), liquids, pills, or nasal sprays that you take to teach your body's immune system to recognize and defend against harmful germs.

Johnson & Johnson 

Are brands. 


Those are not brands. 

If you trust President Trump plus after ALL you've witnessed...

You can dang sure bet Pfizer took their punishment.

As you've already seen Bezos, Zuckerburg, Tim Cook, and others, turn and donate to President Trump.

Turn = punished. 

Trust the Man. There's a Plan. It's all in Laws and Orders with things like this interwoven all around it. 

You can trust him more by reading what's currently invoked. That requires initiative. 

Make Reading and Comprehension Great Again.

Make Listening Great Again.

👉🏻 ——

👉🏻 45——47 🤫🫡🐂🇺🇸

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