How I Ranked 1st at Cambridge University - 20 Study Tips

11 days ago

In this video, we’re going through the top 20 study tips that helped me smash my exams when I was at school, and do pretty well at Cambridge University Medical School - all while building this YouTube channel, having an actual social life, and enjoying the journey along the way. Enjoy xx

00:00 Intro
00:26 Scope the subject
01:27 Focus on your weaknesses
02:25 Use a retrospective revision timetable
03:47 Notetaking is a waste of time
05:29 Focus on understanding
10:39 Do lots of mock exams
12:14 Use intentional flair
13:51 Bank points with coursework
14:19 Study with friends
15:10 Test each other
16:02 Read your friends’ essays
17:02 Have a workspace
18:04 Have time to unwind
19:17 Focus on enjoying the journey

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