Germany Is Seeking a New Charlemagne

12 days ago

Germany has risen from the ashes of World War II to dominate Europe. But to resurrect the Holy Roman Empire and become a real global superpower, Germany needs a strong leader—a new Charlemagne [SHAR-leh-mane]. Prove that Germany is now seeking a new Charlemagne that will provoke world war.



The late British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said it is part of the German national character to dominate. History and prophecy [PRAH-feh-see] prove her statement undeniably true!

But for Germany to dominate the world yet again, it needs a new Charlemagne—a strong leader who will forcibly convert the masses to his false religion by wading through rivers of blood.

Request our free booklet A Strong German Leader Is Imminent to prove that Germany is about to start World War III! The only thing stopping this dreadful nightmare is Germany’s lack of a strong leader—but not for long.

More than 50 million people died in World War II. But has mankind truly learned from this bloody history? Study A Strong German Leader Is Imminent to expose a major source of Adolf Hitler’s motivation: Charlemagne! Charlemagne led the First Reich [RIKE]; Hitler led the Third Reich. Hitler upheld the brutal, savage, violent tradition of Charlemagne!

Today, European leaders condemn Hitler while praising Charlemagne. This makes no sense. It is past time to wake up to the world-destroying threat that is brewing on the continent!

Also request our free book The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy. Your Bible foretells seven iterations of a powerful church-state alliance that precedes the Second Coming of the Messiah.

Prove that a great false church and a bloodthirsty empire have joined forces six times already in history, fulfilling Bible prophecy and clearing the way for one last resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire! Discover in vivid detail the fascinating story of each version of this empire—the highs and lows, the pros and cons, and God’s purpose for it all. Learn what is next for our world once the Holy Roman Empire has been struck down forever.

You will also receive a free copy of Gerald Flurry’s reprint article “As You Watch Gaza—Watch Germany.” For well over a year now, the Israel-Hamas war has stirred passionate debate. The international community is pressuring the Jews to give in to the irrational demands of terrorists. The Jews need a friend. Enter Germany. But this friendship will cause the shocking collapse of the Jewish state. Your Bible says so.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request A Strong German Leader Is Imminent, The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy, and “As You Watch Gaza—Watch Germany.” Order now!

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