Christmas Message 2024┋CO2 Coalition (12/24/24)

20 hours ago

As we near year's end with blessings to count
We find that we have such a joyous amount

Every creature is prospering from Earth’s subtle warmth
There is so much to celebrate, as we go forth

Sending holiday wishes and a message that’s priceless:
We can rejoice and Sleep Well* — There is NO climate crisis!

Best Wishes from the CO2 Coalition

Poem and video by Angela Wheeler

* “Sleep Well” is a new series by the CO2 Learning Center which features creatures such as Chloe the Clownfish, who lives on the Great Barrier Reef of Australia and has been told that her home is in great danger. Entertaining and informative, these stories provide the truth about a prospering Earth and a healthy climate.

Special acknowledgement and thanks to Chloe, Isaiah, and Hannah for lending their precious voices. Special thanks to Annica for help with video production.

Illustration of Santa with clownfish in the Great Barrier Reef was created for our 2024 Christmas card by our talented Visual Arts Advisor, Thiago Hellinger.

For more information about the amazing benefits of carbon dioxide (CO2) visit us at

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