Elites Race for Total Control - Catherine Austin Fitts in Interview | www.kla.tv/36651

1 day ago

Catherine Austin Fitts joins Kla.TV to put Elon Musk, his DOGE operations and other Trump admin strategies into the bigger picture that mainstream media don‘t show. What is the role of the Federal Reserve Bank in all this and why are governments being pushed to invest into Bitcoin? Catherine, who was an Investment Banker and was Assistant Secretary of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development under Bush Sr. answers these questions brilliantly and helps the layman understand what the true goals and power structures are. On the hopeful side: in this interview you will learn details on how geoengineering and mRNA in food were dealt with in Tennessee legislature and how the monetization of our natural resources via "Natural Assets Companies“ got pushback through devoted and courageous individuals. An inspiring interview we recommend to watch in full and share with your friends and colleagues!

▬ IN TEXT FORM WITH SOURCES: https://www.kla.tv/36651

▬ Check out Catherine Austin Fitts's website:
What the States Can Do: Building the Legal and Financial Infrastructure for Financial Freedom – A Comprehensive Resource for State Legislators!

▶️ Kla.TV Playlist: Best interviews and documentaries on the financial system and its control

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