Anti-Trump Interpretive Dance Protest Leader: Trump Being Elected Kennedy Center Chair 'An Assault…'

1 day ago

Posted • February 20, 2025: Scold me closer, whiny dancers. Our apologies to Elton John, but it’s hard to take dancing as a serious form of protest, especially when it’s directed at President Donald Trump. He loves to dance! A little over 30 kinetic Karens decided to dance in a straight line to protest our ‘crooked’ Commander-in-Chief. His crime? Trying to save the Kennedy Center. —— Video of Democrats protesting the Trump administration at the Kennedy Center via interpretive dance. —— He is finished now. 😂😂 The only solution is a dance off at the Lincoln Memorial. This might be the most cliche liberal thing I’ve ever seen. Cliché, cringe, or both? 🤣🤣 Okay, MAGA… that's it. They're too powerful. It's over. Let's go home. 😔 Yep, time to vacate D.C., MAGA. Our pounce is no match for their prance! NPR decided to cover the event put on by their fellow Democrats. Check out this pretentious nonsense. “In the piece, dancers walk in a single-file line and make synchronized movements.”

"It felt symbolic in that we're moving in unison," says dancer and educator Kelly King who organized the protest, "And there's something just compelling to see a straight line of movers dancing this way in a march."” —— That's strange; I thought it could be a group of people with restless arm syndrome. 🤦🏼‍♂️ There is no defense against interpretive dance. Especially the straight-line variety! How do we counter such creativity? There’s a ‘CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS!’ happening at the Kennedy Center. Won’t someone think of the dancers?! —— Anti-Trump interpretive dance protest leader: Trump's election to Kennedy Center chair is "an assault…an assault on our constitutional right, our first amendment right". Just by being elected chair, DT is "an assault" on 1A? 🤔 The Kennedy Center is broke. The board ditched. Trump is not the problem. Why would anyone be surprised these folks can’t get through life without help from the government? […] We’re only four weeks in, folks. Trump’s lost the interpretive dance community. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Scold Me Closer, Whiny Dancers: Kinetic Karens Protest Trump Over Kennedy Center Chair Gig
NPR: As Trump takes over leadership at Kennedy Center, some protest through dance
Rumble: Scold Me Closer, Whiny Dancers: Kinetic Karens Protest Trump Over Kennedy Center Chair Gig

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