The Secret Door To Happiness - MUSSAR Iggeret HaRAMBAN (13)

7 hours ago

In Rabbi Yaron Reuven's shiur on the Ramban's letter, he emphasizes the timeless wisdom of Torah and its superiority over all other wisdoms. The discussion highlights the exceptional depth of Jewish texts and the importance of humility, fear of God, and striving for personal betterment. He showcases how even great secular thinkers recognized the Torah's value, encouraging a life of learning, humility, and dedication to mitzvot.

Rabbi Reuven stresses the unique spiritual journey of Baalei Teshuva, their elevated status, and the transformative power of Torah study in achieving true happiness and contentment, regardless of one's material circumstances.

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00:00:13 Introduction
00:01:18 All the seven wisdoms of the world are found in the Torah (Gemara). E.g., Wise things Freud said.
00:03:56 Any wisdom you get from the Torah is a gift from Hashem. Your job is the effort (inspiring story about why Joshua was chosen to be Moses’ successor).
00:12:36 The great level a ba’al teshuva can reach.
00:15:51 Why are there wicked people who hate baalei teshuva?
00:19:20 Any wisdom you get from the Torah is a gift from Hashem. Your job is the effort (continued).
00:22:10 Who the Gemara says you cannot learn Torah from e.g., Doeg, Jeroboam.
00:25:28 If ethical behavior is so critical to the Torah, why is it not one of the 613 mitzvot?
00:28:19 How do I become happy? (Iggeret HaRamban).
00:31:15 Hard work doesn’t necessarily bring success (funny example).
00:32:46 Who is rich? (Pirkei Avot).
00:38:24 What is the ultimate blessing?
00:40:58 Steps to becoming happy (Iggeret HaRamban): remove anger from your heart.
00:46:37 Steps to becoming happy (Iggeret HaRamban): acquire yirat shamayim and humility.
00:48:10 Don’t say, “If I did this instead, this would have happened.” This is heresy.
00:50:05 How do I know how much work I must do to make money?
00:53:48 Steps to becoming happy (Iggeret HaRamban): remove pride.
01:12:13 How can someone be happy when they have problems?
01:16:42 How is it that happiness is connected to humility and fear of Hashem?
01:18:50 If you are constantly looking for more, you will be very sad (ingenious chidush).
01:27:44 The survival guide you need.
01:28:19 Incredible insight from Exodus that is the answer to achieving happiness and understanding how much effort you must put to achieve something.
01:46:44 Don’t pray to marry a specific person.
01:48:25 The best prayer.
01:49:23 Be specific in your prayer.
01:50:35 When you pray with all your heart, you can change nature. The gate of tears is constantly open.
01:54:39 The only reason the Temple is still not here is because we have not cried for it (Chachamim).
01:58:50 Memorable conclusion.
01:59:35 How to view your problems right now. Why am I still single?
02:04:43 If a person suffers very severely, how should he react?
02:07:28 Examples of amazing people who thanked Hashem despite their tragedies.

#jewish #torah #rabbiyaronreuven #ramban #mussar #jews #orthodoxjudaism #god #bible #life #teshuva #judaism #happiness

The Secret Door To Happiness - MUSSAR Iggeret HaRAMBAN (13)

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