the Grand Delusion

16 days ago

the Grand Delusion...

The machinations of Satan are an amazing and powerful blanket of deceptions that are fooling the smartest and wisest of men!

These lying wonders of Satan are amplified by the strong delusion from God. We're told this in 2 Thessalonians 2.

Those that don't have a love for His Truth, and have pleasure in unrighteousness, are made to believe the lying wonders of Satan.

People think they've woken up, but those that don't love God are only seeing another, stronger, illusion!

The people of the United States think we're on the road to a "Golden Age" of America.

Other peoples of the Western World are hoping that will bring peace and shut down the Global "Elites" Secret Society.

But, as they'll see soon enough, Satan has other plans.

Satan has tried many times to bring the End Time:

He tried with Antiochus Epiphanies...

He tried with General Titus...

He tried with Hitler...

There are probably many more that we don't even know about...

But it won't happen until God allows it to happen. He's grieved at the wickedness of mankind, but He's holding Satan off until He can save as many of us as is absolutely possible!

God is waiting for the final ultimate moment, that perfect point in time where He can save as many people as possible before this age ends.

Everything Jesus said would herald His coming is happening now, and the timelines match up with everything prophesied in the Bible.

All of the signs Jesus gave are here, all of them, and we're at the 6000 year mark, where we're at the end of the 6th "day" of the plan of God and the Day of the Lord is about to start.

Satan has set the stage for his final act, and he's blanketed the world in a thick, dark shroud of deceit.

It's the "flood" that comes in the End Time prophecies of the Bible.

Revelation 12 shows us that Satan will be cast to the earth having great wrath because he knows his time is short.

He will cast out of his mouth "water as a flood" after Israel that he might cause her to be carried away of the "flood".

This is most certainly a symbolic reference to the flood of lies, the lying wonders of Satan.

We see in Daniel 9:26 that the people of the prince that shall come will destroy the city and the sanctuary, which happened in 70 AD, and then it goes on to tell us that "the end thereof shall be with a flood", which is again most certainly referring to the flood of lies, the lying wonders of Satan at the End Time.

God promised He would never flood the world again with water, so we know for sure this is not in reference to a flood of literal water. It's a symbolic "flood". It's a flood of the lying wonders of Satan.

The following verse then details what the prince that shall come does in the End Time.

He'll "confirm the covenant with many for one week", or in other words he will be part of many peoples who sign a peace treaty and confirm Israel's right to exist, and it will be for 7 years, in the midst of which he shall make it desolate... the rise of the Antichrist...

In Daniel 11:22 we see that it will be "with the arms of a flood" that those who oppose him will be overflown (a gush of dark lies that will inundate the world) and they will be broken...

This is the massive shroud of deceit that is already in the world and growing thicker and darker to deceive the whole world in preparation for the Devil's Antichrist.

Revelation 13 shows us that the False Prophet will do great wonders, such as making fire come down from heaven on the earth to deceive all of the people of the earth through those miracles, and cause the people to worship the Antichrist.

Mark 13:22 says that there will be such a strong delusion that, if it were possible, even the very elect would be deceived!

Those who are full of the Holy Spirit will not be deceived, but the rest of the world will be utterly fooled by Satan's lying wonders, his many false prophets, and the main false prophet who is in league with the Antichrist.

It will be the power and signs and lying wonders of Satan that conquers the world... And we're watching it grow in power right now, right before our eyes!

2 Thessalonians 2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders...

This man is most certainly alive and well, right now, plotting and serving his master, Satan.

This is the Grand Delusion that has already come upon the world!

It is a supernatural dumbness!

And while this is a major part of Satan's plans, it is only a part of the massive lies within lies within lies that Satan has laced into all cultures and societies and religions of the world!

He has literally thousands of false religions, and has duplicated the prophecies of the Bible, because he knows they will come to pass exactly as God said, with an exact opposite mirror of them, in some of the false religions...

Satan has the whole world sitting on the edge of their seats, awaiting the false prophecies that he will use to fool them when the real prophecies of the Bible come to pass.

Jews are awaiting the Moshiach, and the rebuilding of the Temple.
The Moshiach might rebuild the Temple, but the Antichrist will destroy it all when he takes over and claims to be god.

Muslims are awaiting their Mahdi, Muslim Jesus, and the Caliphate.
The Antichrist and False Prophet of the Bible will be their Mahdi and Muslim Jesus.

Catholics are awaiting their Great Monarch and the Final Glorious Pope.
The Antichrist and False Prophet of the Bible will be their Great Monarch and the Final Glorious Pope.

Deceived Christians are awaiting a rapture that comes first and will be caught with their proverbial pants down.
They won't believe it's the Antichrist because it "can't be" because they "won't be here when that happens".

Satan is setting up the world for an alien invasion...
This will be his answer to the 5th Trumpet, when an "alien" like creature will torment men for 5 months!

Satan has already fooled billions of people with his lies about Evolution.
Even some professing Christians subscribe to this lie!

Everyone who believes these lies will be fooled completely by the Antichrist and False Prophet when they appear on the world scene...

He's even covered the modern church in his blanket of filthy lies!

There are tens of thousands of Christian denominations, and they all teach differing doctrines, but there is only one truth. Satan has made it very hard for someone searching for truth by burying it under mountains and mountains of lies.

The Catholic church is supposed to be a "Christian" church, but although she pretends to come in the name of Jesus, she teaches that salvation comes through her, instead of Him.

What is someone supposed to believe when there are so many lies pulling them in so many directions?

If they experience what I did, they will have people yelling at them about how wrong it is to want to love the Lord, be obedient, cease from sin, and become a soldier in the army of God. When I first became a Christian, and started reading the Bible for myself, I had supposed "Christian" men literally yelling at me because I questioned why they didn't teach these things in church Bible studies.

How does anyone truly find God today? Reading the Bible is the only way!

There needs to be more people fighting this fight with us!

We need to dispel the lies of the watered down churchianity of Satan...

What lies are the churches teaching today?

See my eNewsletter and video on 24 of Satan's Lies in the Church.
Here's a few of those lies for your review:
Sin is fine...
Homosexuality is fine...
No changes needed for salvation, He loves you where you are...
No repentance needed...
"Love" trumps all, but it's a worldly accepting and tolerating love, not a Godly love...
God just wants you to be happy...
No need to fear God...
Baptism isn't important...
The rapture...
The identity of Jesus...

Both inside and outside the churches:

Even things like; What are the heavens?
Preterism, partial Preterism, and others like it...

Jew hatred...
Obfuscation of the antichrist identity and prophecy around the Last Day...
Podcasters spewing Satan's lies...
Movies and books that obscure truth and get us to think differently...
Supposed "older" religions...
Islam is "good"...

This is just a small sample of the weaving of deceit that Satan has accomplished over the last couple thousand years...

But, even Satan cannot outsmart God!
The devils did not understand why Jesus had come earlier than they thought He was going to come.
Matthew 8:29 And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time?

Satan will have the world by the throat when Jesus returns again...
The world will regard the Antichrist as savior and the call of the New World Order will resound among all peoples: "Peace and Safety".
1 Thessalonians 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

Revelation 10 shows us that the Mystery of God will be finished at the 7th Trumpet!

God has kept secret what His plan is, to fool the devil, and to confound the "wise" of men...

Last, but not least, he has his minions even more deceived than all!

The Secret Society, the Elites, the Deep State, whatever you want to call them, are led by people who are utterly deceived by Satan. They are so power hungry that they make it easy for him and they are under such strong delusion that they actually believe Satan is a god. Their lust for power has blinded their minds... 2 Corinthians 4:4 ... the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not ...

They believe they will be part of the "elite" group of people who will rule the world after the destruction of the vast majority of mankind. This is their plan and their goal.

Satan has them wrapped around his little finger and will stab them in the back when he's done with them...

They're so arrogant and blinded that they have no idea!

This is why we should be watching and preparing and joining forces with believers who truly love the Lord and understand these things. The time is upon us! We need to act!

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