Osiris Rising - UFO Whistleblower & Vatican Plan

1 day ago

Website article for this video: https://kasialovesgod.wixsite.com/mystery-babylon-expo/about-1

The mystery religions all expect the return of their "god" in the end of days. Luciferian Alice Bailey predicted that the year of 2025 would become a turning point. I summarize most of her prophecies for 2025, and they seem to be right on target. UFO abductee Chris Bledsoe claims a female spirit named Hathor told him that on Easter of 2026 there would be a great event that would happen which is described as a period of "new knowledge."

UFO Whistleblower Jacob Barber promises that the entire year of 2025 would be a period of slow leak UFO Disclosure leading up to a big event by the end. This lines up with the year of 2026 to be the culmination of the "Disclosure" knowledge. What will this new knowledge be? I predict it will be the great deception, the return of Osiris that the mystery cults are waiting for. This will be the Beast that does great miracles, even calling down fire from heaven like the book of Revelation describes.

Revelation 13:13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.

Luciferian H.P. Blavatsky wrote a whole chapter about the "Mundane Egg" in her book The Secret Doctrine. The Secret is finally being revealed. I would not be surprised if their anticipated "god" came out of an egg!

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