Maximo Ghost To Glory pt 5 (1080p) (Webcam+mic)

6 days ago

Taking on the leader of all pirates, captain cadaver, as we venture forth to the underworld, for are next adventure.
Genre: Adventure
Advisory: All ages
Content: Some violence
Found: ps2
Caution: Advisory; adults only to play this game, for is is challenging for younger audince. Keep in mind, that this game is fictional, nothing that happend is real.
Advise: Far as playing game, best advise is to save coins, teleport to world 1, collect fairys to build coins, practice to not die to much.
Analysis: Gameplay; challenging, dps on shield dosen't help, well as lack of coin accumlation. Story; not much, left on cliffhanger. Overall; good, fun gamplay but challenging, can be done, story has decent build.
like/dislike: like; has decent story, well as decent gameplay.
Recommendation: unlimited shield code is nice to use.

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