Mediators Between God and People | Kaleidoscope of Facts. Episode 1 of August 13, 2020

5 hours ago

Who are they – the mediators between God and people? Why are religious rituals and traditions akin to magic? Angelology and heavenly hierarchy – how and for what purpose did they arise? How did Plato interpret the concept of goodness, and what significance did it have for centuries to come?

Volunteer researchers, together with scientists, find answers to the most controversial questions in history as part of a unique, unparalleled Kaleidoscope of Facts research project on the ALLATRA TV channel.

00:00:00 About the Kaleidoscope of Facts project.
00:03:15 The phenomenon of intermediacy in the consumer society.
00:05:31 What do priests hide from people?
00:07:27 Intermediaries between God and people – who are they?
00:09:47 What is surprising about the attire of high priests?
00:13:14 Church traditions and rituals that raise questions.
00:20:06 Plato's Contribution to Christianity and the origin of his Idea of the Good.
00:24:58 Why is it important to personally study the scriptures?
00:26:38 Who are angels?
00:29:56 What is Angelology?
00:31:49 What is the origin and purpose of the hierarchy of angels?
00:33:15 Why is there no unity in Angelology? The image of an angel – how is it portrayed to us?
00:35:29 There are no hierarchical ranks among angels

Video "Angels Don't Fall":

Video "What the Prophets Dreamed of":

#angelology #heavenlyhierarchy #kaleidoscopeoffacts

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