02 Bishops Bible Exodus Stills Set 08

6 hours ago

This is Presented in Lie of the Animated Videos, to be Presented Later, but Delayed due to Illness.

Exo 8:1 The Lorde spake vnto Moyses, go vnto Pharao & tell hym, Thus sayeth the Lord: Let my people go, that they may serue me.
Exo 8:2 And if thou refuse to let them go, beholde, I wyll smyte all thy borders with frogges:
Exo 8:3 And the riuer shall scraule with frogges, whiche shall go vp and come into thine house, and into thy priuie chaumber where thou slepest, and vpon thy bed, & into the house of thy seruauntes, and vpon thy people, and into thyne ouens, and vpon al thy vitayles in store:
Exo 8:4 And the frogges shall come vp vpon thee, and on thy people, and vpon all thy seruauntes.
Exo 8:5 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses: say vnto Aaron, stretch foorth thyne hande with thy rod ouer the streames, ouer the ryuers, and ouer the pondes: and cause frogges to come vp vpon the lande of Egypt.
Exo 8:6 And Aaron stretched his hande ouer ye waters of Egypt, & the frogges came vp and couered the lande of Egypt.
Exo 8:7 And the sorcerers did likewise with their sorcerie, and brought frogges vp vpon the lande of Egypt.
Exo 8:8 Then Pharao called for Moyses and Aaron, and sayde: pray ye vnto the Lorde that he maye take away the frogges from me, and from my people: and I will let the people go, that they may do sacrifice vnto the Lorde.
Exo 8:9 And Moyses sayde vnto Pharao: glory herein because of me, and [appoynt] when I shall pray for thee, and for thy seruauntes, and for thy people to dryue away the frogges from thee and thy houses: and they may remayne but in the ryuer onlye.
Exo 8:10 He sayd: to morowe. And he sayde, euen as thou hast said: that thou mayest knowe that there is none like vnto the Lorde our God.
Exo 8:11 And so the frogges shall depart from thee, and from thy houses, from thy seruauntes, and from thy people: and shall remayne in the ryuer onlye.
Exo 8:12 Moyses and Aaron went out from Pharao, and Moyses cryed vnto the Lorde, as touching the frogges whiche he had brought against Pharao.
Exo 8:13 And the Lorde dyd accordyng to the saying of Moyses: and the frogges dyed out of the houses, out of the courtes and fieldes.
Exo 8:14 And they gathered them together vpon heapes, and the lande had an euill smell [through them.]
Exo 8:15 But when Pharao sawe that he had rest geuen him, he hardened his heart, and hearkened not vnto them, as the Lorde had sayde.
Exo 8:16 And the Lord sayd vnto Moses, Say vnto Aaron: Stretche out thy rod, and smyte the dust of the lande, that it may be [turned] to lyce throughout all the lande of Egypt.
Exo 8:17 And they did so: for Aaron stretched out his hande with his rodde, and smote the dust of the earth, whiche turned to lyce in man and beast: so that all the dust of the lande [turned] to lyce throughout all the lande of Egypt.
Exo 8:18 And the enchaunters assayed likewise with their enchauntmetes to bring foorth lyce, but they coulde not: and the lyce were both vpon men & beastes.
Exo 8:19 Then said the enchaunters vnto Pharao: this is the finger of God. And Pharaos heart remayned obstinate, and he hearkened not vnto them, euen as the Lorde had sayde.
Exo 8:20 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses: ryse vp early in the mornyng, and stand before Pharao, lo, he wyll come foorth vnto the water, and thou shalt say vnto him, Thus sayeth the Lorde: Let my people go that they may serue me.
Exo 8:21 Els if thou wylt not let my people go, behold, I will send all maner of flyes both vpon thee and thy seruauntes, and thy people, & into thy houses: and the houses of the Egyptians shalbe full of flyes, and the ground wheron they are.
Exo 8:22 And the land of Gosen where my people are, will I cause to be wonderfull in that day, so that there shal no flyes be there: wherby thou shalt know that I am the Lorde in the myddest of the earth.
Exo 8:23 And I will put a diuision betweene my people and thine: and euen to morowe shall this miracle be done.
Exo 8:24 And the Lord dyd euen so, & there came an intollerable swarme of flyes into the house of Pharao, and into his seruauntes houses, and into all the land of Egypt: and the land was corrupt with these flyes.
Exo 8:25 And Pharao called for Moyses and Aaron, and sayd: Go, and do sacrifice vnto your God in this lande.
Exo 8:26 And Moyses aunswered, It is not meete that we so do: for we must offer vnto the Lorde our God, that [which is] an abhomination vnto the Egyptians. Lo, if we sacrifice that which is an abhomination vnto the Egyptians before theyr eyes, wyl they not stone vs?
Exo 8:27 We wyll go three dayes iourney into the desert, and sacrifice vnto the Lorde our God, as he hath comaunded vs.
Exo 8:28 And Pharao sayd: I will let you go, that ye may sacrifice vnto the Lorde your God in the wyldernesse, but go not farre away: pray for me.
Exo 8:29 And Moyses sayd, beholde, I will go out from thee, and pray vnto the Lord, that the flyes may depart from Pharao, and from his seruauntes, and from his people to morowe: but let Pharao from hence foorth deale deceiptfully no more, that he wyll not let the people go, to sacrifice vnto the Lorde:
Exo 8:30 And Moyses went out from Pharao, and prayed vnto the Lorde.
Exo 8:31 And the Lorde did accordyng to the saying of Moyses: and the flyes departed from Pharao, and from his seruauntes, and from his people: and there remayned not one.
Exo 8:32 And Pharao hardened his heart once more at this time, and dyd not let the people go.

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