Launching The 1 Dollar Company

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This is an opportunity to all Cash Chat members. You can now send $1 to Applisted Startups Limited via the Cash Chat Wallet ID 200689950 and join the list of foundingmembers. Go to and first register to become a User, then pay the $20 life membership fee. You do this by clicking on the Pay subscription button on the menu. Then click on the blue wallet to type the word start. Next select wallet as you type 1. On the menu first type 8 and send to request wallet PIN. Type Start again and 1 to return on the menu. Select 5 to make a wallet to wallet transfer. Select currency as USD and enter the wallet ID 200689950 to send your $1 contribution. The reason right membership and enter the pin code that was sent to your email to complete the transfer. You name will be the list.

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