📜Sacred Secret of the 5th Seal

1 month ago

Limited access. This is a piece of theology that I’ve held in theory for many years and decades. However, not until becoming a Messianic (Christian HEBREW), understanding the Holy Convocations (rehearsals for prophetic good events to come), or Feasts/Festivals.* One cannot seek and find Truth, which sets you free, without knowing and accepting the so-called *“Jewish” traditions. It is IMPOSSIBLE!
This fact is especially true of deciphering the book of the Revelation of Messiah’s Revelations.

“Let the one possessing insight calculate the number of the beast…” If this doesn’t create a stir, then the majority of FAKE youS are bots. 🤖👿🔥

Some few know who holds the keys 🔓🔑 of Sacred Secrets …
That is to say, we know others must also know, yet we tend to reverently keep it to ourselves, for protective discretion. Yes, we are now at that point in time! 2Thes.2:9

Still t.here?
Then you are REAL and may you be Blessed. amen

No more need for arrows! 🏹

Rev. 6 - think of Gen.6 & 666
The first 6 seals, until Rev.8.
Let that (7) sink in.

5th Seal
144,000 of the tribes of ISRAEL.
Refer to Daniel .. “Michael, the prince of your people” / flock.

What about Gabriel, of the two Ark Angels? (aka archangels)

This has to do with the Ark of the Covenant = the
divine Hierarchy of Heaven.

Here, I must say, without arrogance, but with grateful humility, that I doubtfully believe that you have ever heard this “message “ from anywhere or anyone else. >>>HalleluYah!!!<<<

Prepared for an epiphany?
Hopefully & Prayerfully, a Revelation & great Blessing
( Numbers 6:24-26 )

Rev. 6:9-11 from the named tribes of ISRAEL .. Rev. 7

WHY, following 4 Horsemen, are our eyes drawn towards Heaven? Because of the martyrdom about to take place on Earth.

Now, from here, henceforth, forward.. more subtle..

1Chron. 25:7

Think! .. 24 wings, 24 thrones.

Do the math.

Passover - Firstfruits
Spring.Harvest. ISRAELI Hebrews.
Sukkoth - 1st Resurrection Rapture
Autumn Harvest. Gentile HEBREWS.
Two.Sacred Harvests!!. Also, 2 latter day, reapings..
whitened barley wheat and blood red grapes of WRATH.
“the number of their fellow servants SEALED “ for martyrdom.

Back to Revelations

As for Shavuot, that is exactly where we are. Pentecost - the outpouring of Spirit.


144,000 x2

If you see this, it is no coincidence. If you understand, share. However, do not cast pearls, before swine!

Messianics - the small flock,
surrounded by demon-national denominations.

However, remove Babylon’s kippa and stop being preachers (a business / money exchangers & seekers of position) and become teachers, freely sharing what has been freely given.
Most clergy are going to “hell”… GUARANTEED!!!
Why do you think Messiah made a point of saying so- not just some vague mention.

WOE, to the poor shepherds & wolves in sheepskins!
You have taught us lies.
We have been taught lies!!!

No wonder faith fails to be found by so many.
No wonder so few believe and most doubt!

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