Cold PRS Match! Bad Start, Clean Run The Last Stage!!

17 days ago

Well, this was the coldest start this year for sure. It was a chilly, sub-freezing start to this PRS match for February. I got there a little late and went right into unloading for the first stage, an NRL Hunter style. I decided to run it with no gloves!! Not smart. By the end, my hands were useless for the next 20-30 minutes. Sometimes, my ideas are really bad, lol.
Then we went to the usual area of this range and did a few prone stages.
The 2nd stage was bad for me. Only 4 hits. Then I started warming up and the next stages went well.
The last stage was the only real positional stage. And I managed to clean it!!
10 shots, 10 hits!!
I was very happy.
Then editing I realized I hit my Triggercam to record BEFORE and then turned it off, and recorded AFTER the stage!! Dang it.
I really dropped the ball on filming this match. I was too stuck on the cold in my head and that is on me. I need a camera person to join me!

Well, this was the last match for the next few months of doing only 1 a month.
I have my brass, primer gauge, and the RCBS Matchmaster came in today so I am going to be in reloading and testing mode the next 2 weekends.
I need to get the new brass loading set, then load up a few hundred. I will be doing my first Regional PRS match on March 8th!
Make sure to come back and see how that went for me!
Between now and then, we will do some ammo testing and I will show you all I do, as always.
Thank you for watching. I really appreciate every one of you!
Have a great rest of your day and an awesome weekend!!

This is a private range. All shooting is done in a safe, controlled environment with no people or dwellings within miles to be at risk.

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