CNN Contributor - Don't Blame Political Parties For Current Country Division, Blame Trump

6 years ago

Republican strategist Doug Heye said on CNN that the "rhetoric on all sides needs to be dialed back" in light of the pipe bombs and suspicious packages sent to prominent Democrats.

Rye took issue with Heye's comments, however. The former executive director and general counsel of the Congressional Black Caucus said Trump is singularly responsible for inciting people.

"The challenge I have with this is the ‘all sides' rhetoric is exactly the problem. It is not coming from all sides," Rye said.

"This type of rhetoric is not coming from all sides," she added. "I will challenge you to find a clip where there are Democrats with a platform like Donald Trump's who is speaking like that. You won't find one."

Rye defended Rep. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.) from the charge that she called for supporters to "attack" Republicans.

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