The Raising Cain Show: Unlocking the Past: Dr. Joel A. Freeman on The Rosetta Stone & Ancient Egypt!

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The Raising Cain Show: Unlocking the Past: Dr. Joel A. Freeman on The Rosetta Stone & Ancient Egypt!

📅 Date: 2/20/2025
⏰ Time: 9:00 pm EST

🔎✨ History comes alive on The Raising Cain Show with Dr. Joel A. Freeman! Dive into the fascinating world of the Rosetta Stone—an artifact that unlocked the mysteries of ancient Egypt and shaped archaeology as we know it.

🏺 Dr. Freeman takes us on a journey through his lifetime of collecting, his travels to the West Bank of the Nile, and his incredible discoveries.

🚀 Don’t miss this deep dive into history! Tune in NOW for a conversation you won’t forget! 🎙️ @JoelAFreeman

#TheRaisingCainShow #RosettaStone #AncientEgypt #HistoryUnveiled

The Rosetta Stone is one of the most famous and treasured archaeological discoveries of Egypt. Even though that may be true, many do not have a clue about the historical significance of the discovery.

The Napoleonic Egyptian Military Campaign started in 1798. In 1799, as French soldiers were preparing to build the foundation for Fort Julian (later known as Fort Julian on the West bank of the Nile, they found the Rosetta Stone. That village, called Rashid, was translated as “Rosetta;” hence the name.

The Rosetta Stone was/is an irregularly shaped slab of granodiorite rock weighing about 1,700 pounds. The face has 14 lines of hieroglyphs (It is estimated that there were 29 lines prior to breakage), 32 lines of cursive Demotic, and, at the bottom, 54 lines of ancient Greek (language introduced after the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great). All proclaim the same message.

After it was found, the Greek text was quickly translated and the last line of the Greek text impacted everyone who read it: "This decree shall be inscribed on a stela of hard stone in sacred (hieroglyph)and native (demotic script) and Greek characters...." This meant that a parallel version of the same text was presented in all three languages! The Stone was deemed to be priceless! Everyone quickly recognized that the Rosetta Stone could very well unlock the secrets to ancient Egypt. And it did.

The behind-the-scenes story of the Rosetta Stone is intriguing all by itself, but the cracking of the code of the hieroglyphs in 1822 was enormously important for understanding the history and culture of ancient Egypt. It was now possible to read hundreds of hieroglyph inscriptions on tombs, obelisks and other ancient objects, thus revealing details of a civilization going back close to 4,000 years BC.


Dr. Joel Freeman, The Freeman Institute Foundation and Rosetta Classic, LLC embarked upon this project to educate and inspire the masses (especially young people) about the impact the Rosetta Stone has had upon our understanding of ancient Egypt.

How many have never even heard of the authentic Rosetta Stone – let alone being aware of the historical and archaeological significance of this artifact? It's somewhat amusing...some people in on-the-street-interviews believe that Rosetta Stone is a woman. On the other hand, some may have heard the term, "Rosetta Stone," but have never made the connection between the name and the genuine Rosetta Stone.

One of the objectives for the 3-D replicas and 3-D holographic project is to provide a new and different way to reach and teach young people. Educators understand that the engagement of any extra sense (visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, etc.) increases the immediate understanding and long-term retention of a topic. Rosetta Classic hopes that these models will ultimately be viewed (and touched) by millions around the world – making it a memorable experience for each person.

As visitors to Rosetta Stone replica exhibits become more aware of the Rosetta Stone, they just might go home and read about it on the Internet.

The Freeman Institute Black History collection is comprised of well over 2,500 vintage documents and artifacts, with the oldest piece dated 1553. Under The Freeman Institute® Foundation, the objective is to develop Black History galleries, connecting the African American experience with galleries in major U.S. cities and in selected cities internationally (parts of Canada, Europe, Africa and South America and every Caribbean country) – designed to educate and inspire this generation. Each gallery will have a wall dedicated to some of the White abolitionists who sacrificed their time...and some their lives for the anti-slavery cause. This vision also includes the exhibition of replicas of the original Rosetta Stone in every gallery in the world.

Why? A life-size, 3D reproduction of the original Rosetta Stone in each gallery provides a literal touchstone to ancient times -- reminding people that Egypt is in Africa...not the Middle East – giving an opportunity to showcase the accomplishments of other ancient African Kingdoms that have passed down much of their history through oral tradition (Ghanian, Songehay, Great Zimbabwe, Malian, etc.). The exhibition of the replica also provides a context for African American history, reminding visitors that ancient African history did not start with slavery. Black History started with inventiveness, creativity, royalty, perseverance and so much more...providing a context for all of the documents and artifacts exhibiting the part African Americans played in the past four centuries of American history. -- The Freeman Institute Black History Collection -- The Freeman Institute Foundation

Nate Cain:
Nate Cain, Host of The Raising Cain Show, is the FBI Whistleblower on Hillary Clinton, Uranium One, and their coverup of her crimes related to Money Laundering, Public Corruption & Terrorism Financing.
• Senator Grassley: @ChuckGrassley
• Devin Nunes: @DevinNunes

Nate is a military veteran & an expert in cybersecurity for over 27 years and has worked extensively on election integrity, having been called on as an expert witness and cyber forensic investigator by the Trump White House after the 2020 election debacle. @realDonaldTrump

His military service for the last 27 years:
· U.S. Army 307th Signal Battalion, HHC, Camp Carol, South Korea (Enlisted)
· U.S. Army 1111th Signal Battalion, Company A, Raven Rock (Enlisted)
· U.S. Navy TACTRAGRUPAC, Detachment Yokosuka, Japan (Civil Service)
· U.S. Navy PHNSY & IMF, JBPHH, Hawaii (Civil Service)
· U.S. Marines MARFORCYBER, CPT #83, Fort Meade, MD (Civil Service)

Nate Cain recently ran for the U.S. House of Representatives to champion constitutional rights, economic reform, veterans’ issues, and national security, and proudly endorsed by General Flynn, @GenFlynn

Nate Cain is a founding member of Citizens for West Virginia Election Integrity, where we advocate for fair and transparent elections. @C4WVEI

Additionally, he was an expert witness in 7 federal lawsuits brought, surrounding 2020 election integrity issue, including the case that was brought before the U.S. Supreme Court by multiple states.

Nate also worked extensively on election integrity with the Los Angeles District Attorney's office.

He works closely with and supports The Center for Self-Governance,

He is proud to continue the fight as an original signer of the Open Letter to the American People from Signatories of this Declaration of Military Accountability,

He was recently featured in the film Deep State Gangsters, featuring PEDRO ISRAEL ORTA, JOHN C. KIRIAKOU, GARRET O’BOYLE, J MICHAEL WALLER, and LEE SMITH, and myself. “Deep State Gangsters” is a full-length feature documentary that exposes the abuse of state power by the United States national security establishment, also known as the “Deep State.” This unique cinematic experience pulls back the curtain on this shadowy world, featuring a captivating cast of characters and unveiling a bureaucratic machine bent on destroying dissent to preserve its power.
@pedroIsraelOrta @JohnKiriakou @GOBactual @JMichaelWaller @LeeSmithDC @NateCain4WV

He is also recently featured in Glenn Baker’s documentary, Finish This Fight: @glennbakerband @realstewpeters @IvanRaiklin @AllenWest @RealCraigSawyer @TigTiegen @DanAbbott @WatchChad @ShemekaMichelle @TravisConover @DeborahFaris

The Raising Cain Show with host, Nate Cain.
The Raising Cain Show covers crucial topics including cybersecurity, election integrity, national security, veterans’ issues, sanctity of life, constitutional rights, energy, economic issues, lawfare, technology and more.
@NateCain4WV @Cain_Nate @MCPOTA @nathancain
@ThePatriotsPray @SteveLovesAmmo @PatriotsBearded @LANativePatriot

The Raising Cain Show:
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#TheRaisingCainShow, #NateCain, #Whistleblower #DeepStateExposed, #Freedom, #AmericanValues, #WeThePeople, #TruthSeeker, #Patriotism, #FreedomOfSpeech, #Constitution, #FederalWhistleblower, #GeneralFlynn, #PresidentDonaldJTrump, #UraniumOne, #ElectionIntegrity, #Cybersecurity, #CybersecurityExpert, #ExpertWitness, #NationalSecurity, #ConstitutionalRights, #CyberForensics, #SanctityOfLife, #Economy, #Lawfare, #Technology, #CyberSecurity, #Energy, #Veteran #TrumpExpertWitness, #Election2020, #Constitution #CyberDefense #Patriot #Truth #Liberty #Justice #CurrentEvents #TrendingNow #FAFO #Military #MAGA @realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn @elonmusk

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