39: ‘In Christ’: The Bible’s Explosive Reality We Tamed Into a Slogan

3 hours ago

We often hear the phrase, “Jesus lives in my heart,” but what if the Bible’s emphasis is actually the reverse? In this episode, we explore Paul’s powerful use of the phrase “in Christ” throughout Ephesians and beyond. This isn’t just a theological nuance—it’s a game-changing reality that reshapes how we understand our identity, salvation, and daily life as believers. What does it truly mean to be “in Him”? How does this change the way we see ourselves, our relationship with God, and even the way we share the gospel? Join us as we uncover the biblical significance of our position in Christ—one that’s far bigger than we’ve often imagined.

Read: https://ready4eternity.com/in-christ-the-bibles-explosive-reality-we-tamed-into-a-slogan/


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