Financial Terrorism: A Presentation by John McManus

1 day ago

John McManus, author of the book "Financial Terrorism" gives a presentation on the topic of his book. This event took place at the Boston Public Library March 24, 1994.

This was the first time we had C-SPAN record one of our events. This took place at the Boston Public Library in Copley Sq on a Thursday March 1994. The following morning, I drove the speaker John McManus to Lebanon, NH to do a book signing at the now closed "Your Idea" bookstore. Following that, we did an interview by phone on the Ed Anderson Show in Rutland, VT. Ed billed himself as "The Poor Man's Rush Limbaugh." That afternoon, we had a private reception at a home nearby. That evening we held a program at the Howard Johnson's in White River Junction. VT. A reporter from the "Valley News" was on hand and we made the front page of the paper the following morning. On Saturday morning, we did a radio interview at a College Fair at Dartmouth University. Bob Fahner, who was an Ed McMahon look alike was the host. We had one more radio interview by phone and then brought John home. I received a call from C-SPAN the following Monday. I was asked to correctly spell the name of the man who introduced John and the spelling of the pastor. (He was the man who married 13 months prior.) The program was aired twice on CSPAN. Over the next few days, I received approximately 100 phone calls (No website at that time), and took over $1,000 in book orders and "New American" magazine subscriptions. Our HQ had 1,000 calls, and several hundred people joined our organization. This was when C-SPAN had a huge audience. This proved to me that when the American people are exposed to the unvarnished truth, it is well received.

Camp Constitution is a New Hampshire based charitable trust. We run a week-long family camp, man information tables at various venues, have a book publishing arm, and post videos from our camp and others that we think are of importance. Please visit our website

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